I greeted Sunday morning with mixed feelings, the sex with Molly was every bit as good as it had always been but I had let myself down again, though filled with good intentions to only sleep with Georgia, I was also filled with lust, and the lust won the day as usual.
After the Hospital bed had been well and truly road tested, Molly went home on Sunday lunchtime which left me an hour to get showered before the village helpers arrived with Katy Oliver’s goods and chattels.
Katy herself wouldn’t be arriving until Monday when Molly would be back to help settle her in.
On Sunday evening after all the comings and goings were done with I took myself off to St Lucy’s for the evening service and having recharged my spiritual batteries I returned home for an early night.
On Monday morning the door knocker was rarely quiet and it began at 8 o’clock with the dreaded Mrs. Beamish coming to get the house spick and span before the patient arrived.
While Mrs. B did her stuff I took the opportunity to drive over to Kiddingstone and drop off the hire car at Clarion, I could have phoned them and had them pick it up but I found from bitter experience that when Mrs Beamish was in the house it was best if I wasn’t.
So having dropped the car off I rushed around and did a bit of shopping, rushing around was certainly a necessity due to the weather.
Where it had been sunny and mild for my trip to Salisbury with Georgia the cold had come back with a vengeance after the weekend carried on a biting wind.
As I was making my way to the station a timid voice called out from behind me.
I turned around but couldn’t identify the source of the voice so I turned back and carried on walking
The voice called again a little louder
I turned around again and this time I was faced by a short smiling young woman, who I didn’t recognize.
She was wearing one of those furry hat with ear flaps, a heavy thigh length coat, skinny jeans and Ugg boots.
I don’t know what fashion statement she was trying to make, I suspected it was more likely a determination keep warm.
“It’s me” she said from beneath the fur hat.
But I still didn’t know who “me” was.
Clearly some unfortunate young woman that I’d slept with at some time and the encounter was so unmemorable I instantly forgot her, how embarrassing was that.
So I tried to picture her dressed in a different outfit, school uniform, evening dress, underwear or work clothes, but nothing registered.
So she lifted the hat off her head so I could get a clearer look but this only allowed the wind to blow her fine blonde hair across her face, obscuring it completely.
It took a moment for her to take control of her wayward locks but when control had been achieved she announced
“It’s me” and gave a beaming smile.
“India?” I said “I didn’t recognize you without your horse"
"You’re silly" she giggled as she put her hat back on "you mean you didn’t recognize me with my clothes on"
I smiled at her and she suddenly realized what she had said and blushed
“I meant with my winter clothes on” she corrected herself and we both laughed.
She shuffled her feet awkwardly wanting to lean in and kiss me but she wasn’t sure if she should or not.
So I put her out of her misery and kissed her instead
“Thank you for the birthday card” I said
“Did you like it?” India asked and blushed again
The reason for this slight embarrassment was the message she wrote in my card alluding to some shared “horse play” in her stables.
I was quite amused when I open my cards, because there was one from India and Maisie as a couple, but both girls had also sent individual cards presumably without the others knowledge.
“Yes I did” I replied and shivered and checked my watch.
“Oh damn I’m going to miss my train if I don’t run”
I leant in and kissed her again.
“Bye India” I said
“I can give you lift” she called after me
“Are you going home now then?” I asked
“Yes I’ve done what I needed to do” she replied
“Ok” I said “that will be great”
As we were driving back to the village India said
“You haven’t been to the stable for a while”
“No” I replied “but then I did make rather a mess the last time”
I laughed but she continued
“I don’t mind if you make a mess”
I knew what she was after, and it would have been a pleasurable distraction on any other day.
But I had too much to do on that day.
I was just about to deliver the news she didn’t want to hear when my house came into view and her face dropped as she exclaimed
And the reason for that exclamation was the sight of a number of villagers exiting or entering my front door like worker ants from a nest.
“Yes, the vicar takes up residence today” I said
“Oh” she repeated forlornly
“Were you wanting to come in and play for a while?” I asked
She didn’t answer but she nodded
“Well obviously today isn’t a good day to play” I said
She looked crest fallen and I wanted to hug her but because of the watching eyes I couldn’t and I couldn’t kiss her goodbye for the same reason so I took hold of her hand instead and said
“We’ll do it another day, ok?” I said “Thanks for the lift honey”
She held my hand tightly as she implored
“When can we?”
“Soon” I replied “Not today, but soon”
“When though?” she persevered
“Soon” I said and squeezed her hand before I got out of the car
She was clearly disappointed and she would probably dwell on that disappointment because she had nothing else to distract her.
The problem was that India suffered from too much time on her hands; her parents indulged her, and didn’t push her to do anything with her life, for all of her adult life since she left college she had occupied all of her time with her horse riding.
That was until her sexual awakening and subsequent alfresco rogering in the woods, by yours truly.
When I managed to get inside the house I found a crowd scene in the hall and kitchen
Directing traffic in the hall was Tilly, the new vicars wife to be, and in the kitchen surrounded by chaos were Claire, in dress down mode and Molly in civvies, I wondered if Claire was wearing her “practical pants” with her casuals, Molly could have been wearing anything or nothing with hers.
“Hello girls” I said
“Simon?” Claire shouted “Thank God”
“Is everything going to plan?” I asked
“No” she cried “no it’s bloody not, half the village has turned up with meals”
“Oh” was all I could muster as I looked around at a huge selection of Pyrex and Tupperware dishes.
“There’s a lot” Molly added “and nowhere to put it all, your freezer is full”
“There are hot pots and curry’s, casseroles and bolognaise” Claire exclaimed as she threw her arms up in the air.
“Honestly” I said putting an arm around each of them, “I hope you wouldn’t be this flustered if one of the biddies had had a stroke”
I allowed myself the briefest moment to imagine the three of us in flagrante, but I couldn’t dwell on that delightful scenario.
“We’re trained for old ladies with strokes” Claire said tartly
“We are not trained for this”
“Ok, Claire, there are Labels in that drawer” I said pointing and then directed at both of them I continued
“Write what’s in the dish and who brought it so I can return the container to the correct person afterwards”
“I will go and switch on the chest freezer in the garage”
“You’re marvelous in a crisis” Claire said
“He’s not bad in a clinch either” Molly added
I left them to it and went out the back door and into the garage.
It was nice that Claire thought I was marvellous in a crisis but I wasn’t even sure if the chest freezer still worked, I hadn’t used it for a year.
It was in use when I inherited the house but it had very little in it so I switched it off and cleaned it out and it had stood empty ever since.
The other problem was that I had rather used the top of it since as a dumping ground for boxes and such like, so firstly I had to clear it off.
I was not particular in my task and I rather just relocated the clutter from the top of the freezer onto the top of any other available surface.
One I had cleared the top I lifted the lid and briefly checked inside.
Satisfied nothing was living in it I closed the lid and switched it on.
The light came on instantly and it started to make the appropriate noises of a chest freezer so I was content all was well.
I returned to the kitchen to find that calmness prevailed as Molly and Claire were working methodically through the task I had set them.
They had been joined by Tilly as the flow of visitors had been stemmed so while the others finished labelling Tilly and I began carrying out the already labelled meals to the freezer.
It had been rather a strange morning which fizzled out somewhat after that extraordinary deluge of well-meaning women who had succeeded in filling my freezer.
Despite all the food on hand I took the three ladies out for some pub grub and a pint.
As we were walking down the road Tilly wanted to pop in and see Katy on the way and Claire went in with her.
Thirty minutes later they re-emerged with Katy walking between them.
“Katy” we cheered
“Did someone mention the pub?” She said
She was walking under her own steam but she had to hold on to Tilly and Claire’s arms.
“Hey” she said to me “if we’re going to live together I think I should be seen on your arm”
I made an elaborate bow and she took my arm.
We were all in the pub until 4 o’clock and the Cross Keys was absolutely rocking.
When we eventually left the pub Katy turned to us and said
“Thanks for that” then after a pause she continued “it was like being at my own wake”
We were all laughing so much we had to sit down again.
We wheeled Katy to my house in her wheelchair, not because she was drunk or anything, she had nursed the same pint of Guinness all afternoon, but she had summoned every ounce of strength she had in her to get her through her “wake” and she was absolutely drained with fatigue, plus the emotion of the day had taken its toll.
Claire and Molly settled her into what was now to be her room for the duration.
Tilly had returned to the Vicarage and along with her fiancĂ© Robert they brought the remainder of Katy’s possessions.
While the four of them fussed and faffed around her I went to the kitchen and made us some food, from scratch.
We all ate together in Katy’s room and afterwards we sat chatting until Katy was too tired to continue.
So we kissed her goodnight and Claire and Molly settled her down for the night.
Tilly and Robert then returned to the Vicarage while the rest of us sat in the kitchen for the next hour or so until they left as well though not before drilling into me what to do if something happened.
Katy didn’t need constant nursing at that point so there was to be no night nurse just regular visits.
But I had a list of contact numbers should the need arise.
So once Claire and Molly were satisfied I knew what to do they left me to it.
I have to admit I didn’t sleep well that night and every time I woke up I went and check on her.
The next morning the door went at nine o’clock and a district nurse, by the name of Harriet Quimby was standing the other side of it when I opened it who had come to check on the patient.
She was a small bird like woman, with pale skin and strawberry blonde hair, thirty something maybe.
I was expecting her as there was a rota on the kitchen wall, of who was doing what and when.
So I had been up since 7 am, and I took a cup of tea in to Katy and seven thirty who was had also been awake awhile.
By the time the nurse arrived I’d already helped her to the bathroom for her morning pee and made her breakfast and she was sitting comfortably in my arm chair watching TV.
I left them to it and went and made drinks, then Harriet, the nurse, having checked Katy was ok and given her, her medication, left for the next patient.
She had been there for the best part of an hour.
Despite the early visit it was a much quieter day than the previous one.
I pottered about for the morning, a bit of laundry, emptied the bins, that kind of stuff.
I told Katy to just holler if she wanted anything, and I had to tell her off at one point when I caught her on the way to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” I said crossly “I told you to shout if you wanted anything”
“I didn’t want to bother you” she said
“It isn’t a bother” I reassured her “now take my arm”
She did as she was told and I walked her to the kitchen
“Oh you have a lovely outlook” she said looking out of the kitchen window.
The lounge was at the front of the house so she hadn’t seen out the back before.
She sat down at the kitchen table and I made us a drink.
We had been sitting there for about ten minutes when…
“Simon?” she said “I was wondering if...”
“If what?” I asked
“Say no if you think it’s a bit cheeky” she replied “would it be alright if I have a bath”
“For goodness sake Katy you don’t need to ask my permission” I said “this is your home now”
“Are you sure?” she asked
“Of course” I reassured her “I’ll go and run the bath, while you finish your drink”
So I went upstairs to my en suite and ran the bath and put out fresh towels before returning downstairs to the kitchen.
“It’s all ready for you madam” I said pompously and held out my hand which she took.
She led the way slowly up the stairs and I followed closely behind in case she slipped but half way up I stopped her and scooped her up in my arms and carried her the rest of the way.
She was able to undress herself ok but needed help to get in and out of the tub.
Katy called me in to the bathroom and she was standing with her back to me wrapped in a bath sheet.
I held her loosely at the waist and let her step in, once both feet were safely in the water. I un-wrapped the towel from her and held it out like a windbreak.
Katy was then able to lower herself gently into the water.
“Oh wow” she exclaimed “this is fab”
I smiled to myself as I remembered the last time she had told me something was fab, it was just after I made love to her.
I then lowered the towel as her modesty was by then covered by the bubbles.
“Is that to madam’s satisfaction” I said grandly
“Oh yes my good man” she replied in her best Lady Muck voice “this will do very nicely, you may go”
“I’ll leave you too it then ma’am” I said tugging my forelock “and don’t even think about trying to getting out on your own”
“Ok” she replied meekly
But just as I was leaving the bathroom she exclaimed
“Oh bugger”
“Reverend Oliver?” I said with affront
“Sorry” she said with a giggle “I forgot my clothes”
“I’ll bring them up, anything in particular?” I said
“They’re in a pile at the end of the bed” she told me
“Ok” I replied “I’ll bring them up”
“And no ogling my undies” she added
I smiled as I thought that’s the Katy Oliver we all know and love.
“I can’t promise that” I called as I went down stairs and picked up her clothes and of course I looked at her undies, a pink bra and matching panties, nice. .
I put the clothes on the bottom stair and went back to the kitchen and put the kettle on.
I made another drink and I was just about to go up and check on Katy when the front door opened and Claire walked in with her medical bag.
“Hello” she called
“In the kitchen” I called back
When she walked in I noticed instantly she was dressed in her more familiar professional garb.
“Nice to see you properly dressed today doctor” I said and kissed her cheek
“No practical pants with that outfit”
“Shhh” she whispered
“It’s ok she’s upstairs” I reassured her
“Why what have you done?” she asked suspiciously
“I haven’t done anything” I replied “she’s having a bath”
“Well that’s ok” she said “I’ll go up and see her”
“She’s in the en suite in my room” I said “you know the way”
“Stop it” she said quietly and kissed me
“By the way when am I going to get to see those fishnets you bought in Paris” I asked
“Shhh” Claire urged “don’t worry, when the time is right you’ll be able to feast your eyes”
As she walked towards the stairs I called
“What now?” she said tartly “do you want to know what knickers I’m wearing?”
“I was just going to say can you take Katy’s clothes up with you” I replied
“God you’re sex mad”
“Oops” she said
Friday, 30 December 2016
Thursday, 29 December 2016
An Antidote To Writers Block (Part 58) Candlemass Day
On the morning after my birthday treat I woke up in a Salisbury hotel to find Georgia was still in a very playful mood.
“You’re insatiable,” I said as her brunette head rose and fell on my dawn horn.
“You don’t normally complain” she slurped in reply.
“I’m not complaining now,” I said
“Good” she slurped again “this is it for me until Valentine’s Day”
She didn’t say it in so many words but the implication was clear, in that she would not be getting any cock till the 14th but I would probably be dipping my wick as normal.
Well actually I had so much enjoyed my treat with Georgia, her company, her humour, her conversation and her taught young body, she had everything a man could want, so why did I bother looking elsewhere.
“I’m thirty now, time to start acting like a grownup” I said to myself.
Then I lost my train of thought as the ecstasy of the moment diverted me.
After Georgia had finished despoiling me we had a quick shower and went downstairs for a non-Michelin full English fried breakfast.
Once we had checked out we had plenty of time to take in at least one of the local sights before we headed home.
We both agreed on Stonehenge as it was on the way we were headed.
“I haven’t been there for years” Georgia said “not since junior school”
“Nor me” I agreed
“Yes but they were still building it when you were at school”
Georgia said and laughed raucously
“Cheeky cow” I said
After Stonehenge we took in the ruins of Salisbury Castle and the old Cathedral after which we headed towards home, though we took the scenic route and we talked all the way.
Mainly about her University work or what was going on in the village.
“I’m really proud of you,” she said
“For what?” I asked
“What you’re doing for Reverend Oliver,” she explained
“It was the right thing to do,” I said simply
The thought never crossed her mind to question my motives.
If she knew the truth of it she might be forgiven for thinking I was doing it out of guilt for defiling her, but it wasn’t that at all. I really was doing it because I could and because it was the right thing to do.
I really had enjoyed being with Georgia and I wished we could have spent the rest of the weekend together, or the rest of the day for that matter, but sadly Georgie had deadlines and she had to work right up until the wire.
When we got back to Roehampton I didn’t go in, I carried her bags to the door and kissed her goodbye.
“I really do love you,” I said
“I know” she replied, “I love you too”
“I’ll see you in two weeks hon.” I said
“I can’t wait” Georgia said and rushed inside as the tears arrived.
I left her with a new resolve, determined to be faithful to her,
This epiphany coming as it did on The 2nd of February was quite apt.
It was Candlemas day, the festival of the purification of the Virgin Mary, which marked the last day of Christmas.
Falling midway between the winter and spring equinox it was a time for looking ahead at the bounty ahead.
I felt it was like the end of one chapter and beginning of another.
I stopped at my parents’ house next as I hadn’t seen her or dad since Christmas and she had said she wanted to do me a birthday tea.
Although I was twenty years too old for a birthday tea I played along and I passed a very enjoyable few hours with them.
By the time I got back to Bushy Down it was after ten o’clock. So I was surprised to see there was still a light burning in the window and there was a strange car parked on the drive, I assumed the light was left on to deter burglars but I couldn’t explain the car.
I parked the hire car behind it on the drive and went inside not knowing who or what was inside,
But as I went in all was quiet, in the hall I immediately noticed there was a bookcase standing against the wall that had preciously stood in the lounge.
That was when I remembered that the Hospital bed was due to be delivered the day before.
I guessed that as the bookcase had been moved that it had indeed arrived.
I took my case upstairs and unpacked and wasn’t at all surprised to find no one in the guest rooms.
But as I walked back downstairs I again wondered why there was a strange car on the drive especially if I didn’t have a houseguest.
I went into the kitchen and boiled the kettle and then sat down to begin opening the pile of birthday cards that had accumulated in my absence.
Most of the cards contained the normal felicitations but a significant number of them had extra little messages that only meant something to the writer and me.
These missives of course referred obliquely to a previous assignation or assignations known only to the two of us.
For example Pandora signed her card from Scarlet and the doctor wrote from Dr Andrews “raising the dead a speciality”.
There were so many cards and so many secret messages I was kind of overwhelmed but just how much of a philanderer I was.
But although I felt a certain pride at my prowess I had resolved to put that all behind me that was all in the past.
I finished my drink and was on the way upstairs when I thought I would just take a look in the lounge.
I opened the door and the light from the hall flooded into the room and I did a double take.
In the centre of the room was the hospital bed but that was not what surprised me.
What had got my attention, directly in front of me perfectly illuminated, was the most perfect round arse.
And it was an arse I was very familiar with, for laying with her back to me on the hospital bed in the foetal position, partially covered by a hospital blanket, was Molly’s naked body.
I walked over to the bed and put my hand on one of her firm buttock and it was cold to my touch so I began caressing the cold fleshy cheek and it eventually began to warm, as did my ardour.
I caressed her around the full curve of her buttocks until my fingers reached her shaven pussy.
Molly began to stir as my fingertips lightly traced across the mole on her lip before my finger peeled her lips apart and entered the creamy heat inside.
She murmured in her sleep as I continued stroking her juicy cunny.
My other hand steadied her hip as I worked on her and then she gasped.
“Ohhhh” she said “What kept you?” and she grabbed my spare hand and pulled it up to her breast and squeezed my hand onto tit as I continued frigging her and bringing her closer and closer to orgasm until she screamed out.
As I undid my trousers I thought “So much for my new resolve on Candlemas day”, of course the 2nd of February was also Groundhog Day and the phrase “Groundhog Day” is often used to express the same events or actions occurring repetitively, how ironic was that.
Molly wriggled her arse to the edge of the bed as I stood cock in hand
“Oh hell” I thought as realised I was clearly condemned to repeat my shortcomings for all eternity.
“Mmmmm” molly exclaimed as I pushed my helmet between her sticky lips.
“Mmmmm” she repeated as I followed through with the rest of me.
I was sure when the committee made the arrangements for the bed to be delivered and accepted Molly’s help with the nursing care they never envisaged the scenario where I would be banging her on it from behind.
As I was pounding her pussy, I stood looking down on her as she was biting her lip and pulling her hair.
And as I groped at her breast, which was rising and falling with every insertion, I could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
Molly was in a frenzy as she received what she had clearly desired all evening.
She was gripping the frame of the bed and grunting rhythmically with every nerve tingling stroke until she came so hard the bed shook and she juddered again as I finished in a pulsating ejaculation.
“Well I think the bed will do the job,” I said between pants.
But just to be certain sure after half an hour we tested it once more and twice again the next morning.
“You’re insatiable,” I said as her brunette head rose and fell on my dawn horn.
“You don’t normally complain” she slurped in reply.
“I’m not complaining now,” I said
“Good” she slurped again “this is it for me until Valentine’s Day”
She didn’t say it in so many words but the implication was clear, in that she would not be getting any cock till the 14th but I would probably be dipping my wick as normal.
Well actually I had so much enjoyed my treat with Georgia, her company, her humour, her conversation and her taught young body, she had everything a man could want, so why did I bother looking elsewhere.
“I’m thirty now, time to start acting like a grownup” I said to myself.
Then I lost my train of thought as the ecstasy of the moment diverted me.
After Georgia had finished despoiling me we had a quick shower and went downstairs for a non-Michelin full English fried breakfast.
Once we had checked out we had plenty of time to take in at least one of the local sights before we headed home.
We both agreed on Stonehenge as it was on the way we were headed.
“I haven’t been there for years” Georgia said “not since junior school”
“Nor me” I agreed
“Yes but they were still building it when you were at school”
Georgia said and laughed raucously
“Cheeky cow” I said
After Stonehenge we took in the ruins of Salisbury Castle and the old Cathedral after which we headed towards home, though we took the scenic route and we talked all the way.
Mainly about her University work or what was going on in the village.
“I’m really proud of you,” she said
“For what?” I asked
“What you’re doing for Reverend Oliver,” she explained
“It was the right thing to do,” I said simply
The thought never crossed her mind to question my motives.
If she knew the truth of it she might be forgiven for thinking I was doing it out of guilt for defiling her, but it wasn’t that at all. I really was doing it because I could and because it was the right thing to do.
I really had enjoyed being with Georgia and I wished we could have spent the rest of the weekend together, or the rest of the day for that matter, but sadly Georgie had deadlines and she had to work right up until the wire.
When we got back to Roehampton I didn’t go in, I carried her bags to the door and kissed her goodbye.
“I really do love you,” I said
“I know” she replied, “I love you too”
“I’ll see you in two weeks hon.” I said
“I can’t wait” Georgia said and rushed inside as the tears arrived.
I left her with a new resolve, determined to be faithful to her,
This epiphany coming as it did on The 2nd of February was quite apt.
It was Candlemas day, the festival of the purification of the Virgin Mary, which marked the last day of Christmas.
Falling midway between the winter and spring equinox it was a time for looking ahead at the bounty ahead.
I felt it was like the end of one chapter and beginning of another.
I stopped at my parents’ house next as I hadn’t seen her or dad since Christmas and she had said she wanted to do me a birthday tea.
Although I was twenty years too old for a birthday tea I played along and I passed a very enjoyable few hours with them.
By the time I got back to Bushy Down it was after ten o’clock. So I was surprised to see there was still a light burning in the window and there was a strange car parked on the drive, I assumed the light was left on to deter burglars but I couldn’t explain the car.
I parked the hire car behind it on the drive and went inside not knowing who or what was inside,
But as I went in all was quiet, in the hall I immediately noticed there was a bookcase standing against the wall that had preciously stood in the lounge.
That was when I remembered that the Hospital bed was due to be delivered the day before.
I guessed that as the bookcase had been moved that it had indeed arrived.
I took my case upstairs and unpacked and wasn’t at all surprised to find no one in the guest rooms.
But as I walked back downstairs I again wondered why there was a strange car on the drive especially if I didn’t have a houseguest.
I went into the kitchen and boiled the kettle and then sat down to begin opening the pile of birthday cards that had accumulated in my absence.
Most of the cards contained the normal felicitations but a significant number of them had extra little messages that only meant something to the writer and me.
These missives of course referred obliquely to a previous assignation or assignations known only to the two of us.
For example Pandora signed her card from Scarlet and the doctor wrote from Dr Andrews “raising the dead a speciality”.
There were so many cards and so many secret messages I was kind of overwhelmed but just how much of a philanderer I was.
But although I felt a certain pride at my prowess I had resolved to put that all behind me that was all in the past.
I finished my drink and was on the way upstairs when I thought I would just take a look in the lounge.
I opened the door and the light from the hall flooded into the room and I did a double take.
In the centre of the room was the hospital bed but that was not what surprised me.
What had got my attention, directly in front of me perfectly illuminated, was the most perfect round arse.
And it was an arse I was very familiar with, for laying with her back to me on the hospital bed in the foetal position, partially covered by a hospital blanket, was Molly’s naked body.
I walked over to the bed and put my hand on one of her firm buttock and it was cold to my touch so I began caressing the cold fleshy cheek and it eventually began to warm, as did my ardour.
I caressed her around the full curve of her buttocks until my fingers reached her shaven pussy.
Molly began to stir as my fingertips lightly traced across the mole on her lip before my finger peeled her lips apart and entered the creamy heat inside.
She murmured in her sleep as I continued stroking her juicy cunny.
My other hand steadied her hip as I worked on her and then she gasped.
“Ohhhh” she said “What kept you?” and she grabbed my spare hand and pulled it up to her breast and squeezed my hand onto tit as I continued frigging her and bringing her closer and closer to orgasm until she screamed out.
As I undid my trousers I thought “So much for my new resolve on Candlemas day”, of course the 2nd of February was also Groundhog Day and the phrase “Groundhog Day” is often used to express the same events or actions occurring repetitively, how ironic was that.
Molly wriggled her arse to the edge of the bed as I stood cock in hand
“Oh hell” I thought as realised I was clearly condemned to repeat my shortcomings for all eternity.
“Mmmmm” molly exclaimed as I pushed my helmet between her sticky lips.
“Mmmmm” she repeated as I followed through with the rest of me.
I was sure when the committee made the arrangements for the bed to be delivered and accepted Molly’s help with the nursing care they never envisaged the scenario where I would be banging her on it from behind.
As I was pounding her pussy, I stood looking down on her as she was biting her lip and pulling her hair.
And as I groped at her breast, which was rising and falling with every insertion, I could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
Molly was in a frenzy as she received what she had clearly desired all evening.
She was gripping the frame of the bed and grunting rhythmically with every nerve tingling stroke until she came so hard the bed shook and she juddered again as I finished in a pulsating ejaculation.
“Well I think the bed will do the job,” I said between pants.
But just to be certain sure after half an hour we tested it once more and twice again the next morning.
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
An Antidote To Writers Block (Part 57) Turning 30
It was after a phenomenal visit to Pandora Parker Browns luxury home in millionaire’s row, known locally as Nob Hill, where we mutually slaked each other’s lustful thirsts that I made my way home under cover of darkness across the golf course.
It had been the most exceptional of days where I enjoyed Randy Pandy’s delights to the absolute max.
Although I feared it might be for the last time because Pandora had an admirer of whom she was mutually attracted to.
And if things did develop between Pandora and “Harry of the beautiful hill” it was more than possible that Harry Beaumont would be exploring Pandora’s beautiful hills exclusively.
Of course I should have excluded myself from her goodies voluntarily; after all I had a girlfriend, Georgia, who should have been the sole beneficiary of my lust.
So if Pandora’s Box was to be closed to me I would have to be content, and I should be content.
But as the mythology goes when Pandora’s Box was opened and all the evils escaped into the world all that remained was hope
so if it did close after that day then there was always hope it would open again.
All of this was running around my brain as I trudged through the darkness towards home.
When I got into the house I made a coffee and finished watching the DVD from the night before, “The Fifth Element”, the film of which my enjoyment was so rudely interrupted by randy Pandy.
I imagined I felt a slight stirring down below but it had to be my imagination after how it had been made to perform.
Together we had opened a whole new account in my wank bank
After the film was finished I went upstairs to my bed and when I walked into my bedroom I found Pandora had left her black silk knickers laid out neatly on my pillow.
And as I stood looking down at the expensive black panties that I had pulled off her full plump buttocks only the night before I really did feel a stirring.
Sunday I deemed to be predominantly a day of rest,
I did go to church however and although I didn’t intend to, I ended up lunching with Victoria at the Cross Keys.
Her usual companion Judith still hadn’t returned from Kiddingstone after the Burns Night Supper and with Maisie working at Mahajak’s she was at a loose end so I went with her instead.
And my gallantry was rewarded with a very enjoyable luncheon in very good company.
After the meal we were joined by Tilly Bushe and her brother Tristan.
Tristan was in ebullient mood as he had just heard that his offer on the Overend house had been accepted.
Suffice is to say we were in the pub considerably longer than I originally intended.
In fact the session only ended when Robert came to meet Tilly and take her to spend the afternoon with Katy.
Tristan and I helped Victoria to her bed I mused that had I taken her home alone I would probably have joined her.
We then went back to mine as Tristan was too drunk to drive and he promptly fell asleep on the sofa while I was making drinks and he was so drunk he ended up staying until morning.
As I found myself alone with an unresponsive guest I decided to pop back to check on Victoria and found her to be much better company.
On Monday morning a very hung-over Tristan thanked me for my hospitality and walked off in the direction of the pub to find his car.
I myself set straight to work to rearrange the contents of my recently added to wank bank into titillating tales of lust and lasciviousness.
My hope was to dash off a sufficient quantity of dirty stories to keep my publisher Gay Gordon off my back for at least a month.
Thankfully by early evening I was able to say
“Mission accomplished”
And I promptly emailed the latest batch of smut to Gordon.
My reason for wanting to clear the decks so to speak was because Tuesday was the day of the meeting at the church hall to make the final arrangements regarding Katy Oliver’s palliative care.
And as a result I wanted to ensure I had no more demands on my time than was necessary.
My February schedule was pretty clear save for the birthday treat Georgia had planned for me and Valentine’s Day.
The only other commitments in February were my Roving Angels Patrols.
Normally it would only be one patrol a month but I had missed my January stint because of my impromptu Tunisian sojourn.
As a result I had volunteered to do an extra one to redress the balance.
Neither of which would interfere with the immediate demands on my time.
Just after one o’clock there was a knock on the door and when I opened it I found it was Molly Curtis.
“Hey Moll” I said
“Hello Cuz” she said and we embraced.
“You’re early” I added, “have you come for a quickie”
“I wish” Molly said “But unfortunately I have a visitor”
“Shame” I said
“Oh don’t worry it’s only a short visit” she replied with a leer then we had a bite of lunch and then walked down to the church hall together.
The meeting wasn’t long in duration as all those previously tasked with particular elements of the overall care plan had completed each one with meticulous thoroughness.
The rotas of every description were compiled and a timetable had been drawn up with teams of volunteers at the ready.
The only fly in the ointment was that the medical equipment was to be delivered on the 1st of February, my birthday, when I was to be away from home.
However the news of this detail failed to raise even a flicker of concern with the committee who took it all in their collective stride and said it would be taken care of and I could go off on my birthday trip without a care.
On my return I would have a day or two of normality before Katie moved in on the 4th.
After the meeting, Molly went off to work and I returned home with complete peace of mind, on the subject of Katie’s care at any rate.
Alone with my own thoughts for a couple of days I used the time to reflect on the extraordinary month of January.
It had been a funny month, which began with my New Year’s resolution to adopt monogamy, and be faithful to Georgia.
It was my “New Year, New Me” resolution which ended in a spectacular failure on New Year’s Day afternoon when I sullied the Presidents club billiard table with Shula Mahajak’s.
That wasn’t the worst of it though; my display of shameful behaviour was demonstrated while Georgia was in my bed at home with the flu.
But as if that wasn’t low enough for me to stoop, I then went on to defile a woman of the cloth in Godalming, twice.
That was difficult even for me to come to terms with and in order to try and forget my sinful desecration of Reverend Oliver I sought solace in the arms of a stranger in numerous and prolonged dalliances in Tunis.
On my return to the UK I almost died of exposure before coming close to ruining the reputation of a well-respected doctor after she raised me from the dead, not for the first time I might add.
I then proceeded to add to the infidelity, blasphemy and general immorality I had already succumbed to when I committed a lewd act in a public place, namely when I shagged Shula in the swimming baths changing room.
This still left time before the end of the month for me to enjoy Pandora’s delicious delights, home and away so to speak.
Which was a bittersweet experience, though in truth it was incredibly sweet with the only bitterness being the prospect of it being for the final time.
But I did almost ruin her reputation into the bargain.
Despite my busy week I still managed to find the time to reacquaint myself with Victoria Braithwaite as she lay both in her bed and in her cups.
So as the month came to its close I chose to reassess.
I knew I wasn’t going to kick my philandering ways altogether, because I knew that I didn’t really want to.
But like a habitual smoker I needed to wean myself off slowly.
If I could at least keep them to a minimum then my little indiscretions would be the equivalent of nicotine patches.
As I had completely failed, by any measurement, in January, I would begin again in February.
I was going to meet Georgia on the 31st and spend my birthday with her.
As my New Year’s resolution, “New Year New Me”, didn’t work and January had turned into a total fuck fest. I decided my new clarion call would be “30 day” instead.
My thirtieth birthday was on the 1st of February so that would be my new line in the sand.
On Thursday morning I caught the train to Kiddingstone where I picked up a hire car from Clarion Cars after which I returned home and collected my overnight bag.
I then drove to the doctor’s surgery and left a front door key to my house with Olivia Adamson before continuing on to Roehampton.
Georgia had a lunchtime lecture but she had finished and was back home by the time I got to the house.
It had only been two weeks since we had last been together but that was clearly 14 days too long for Georgie because she was all over me like a rash the moment I stepped through the door.
Horny Miss Georgie of course was not; I was pleased to say, supplementing her lusty diet like I was.
So that kind of took care of the rest of the day.
When I awoke on Friday morning, it being my birthday, I was expecting some more of the same.
But Georgia was already up and showered and apart from wishing me a happy birthday with a kiss she was not giving me anything else.
I had to get a move on apparently; the day was wasting, places to go, inside her knickers not being one of them.
So I had to get up and shower, I was also ordered to shave and make myself presentable and dress smartly and still not a sniff of a birthday shag.
I did what was asked of me and made myself as agreeable as I could.
When I finished and was past fit to be seen with by Georgia, I noticed she was also well turned out in a smart two piece suit and all the trimmings, we were both done up as if we were going to a wedding.
That was an interesting though random thought.
At ten o’clock, the two of us set off in the car, although only one of us knew the destination and it wasn’t me.
I was completely in her hands, Georgia gave me directions and I drove.
It was my birthday treat which she had planned to the last detail, none of which she had told me, so I drove on following her every instruction.
With each twist and turn I tried to guess our destination as she chattered away, but in the end I gave up and decided to just enjoy the company and the scenery.
We arrived in Salisbury on a sunny and unseasonably mild day and I still wasn’t sure if that was our final destination, until
“Turn right” Georgia shouted
“What here?” I asked
“Yes” she answered
I followed her instructions and drove into the car park of the Castle View Hotel.
I was a little alarmed as it looked like a very expensive hotel and Georgia was treating me for my birthday.
“This looks nice” I said “Maybe too nice”
“Don’t be silly,” she said, “you’re worth it”
We checked in and went upstairs, Georgia had booked us into the bridal suite, another random thought crossed my mind, complete with four poster bed and a fantastic view of the Cathedral, although to be fair, as we were to find out later, there weren’t many places in Salisbury that you couldn’t see the cathedral from, however from our room it was a particularly fine view.
Not as fine as the view of Georgia pulling her drawers down and sitting on the loo.
I felt a familiar tingle in my pants as I listened to her peeing, and thought it was time to christen the four poster bed in the usual manner, but much To my regret I wasn’t given the opportunity as Georgia had booked us into the hotel restaurant for lunch, a well patronised establishment and a well-deserved recipient of a Michelin star apparently.
I could have given her a few more stars than that if she was the recipient of what was brewing in my trousers.
Still it was lunchtime and I was hungry and not just for her so we head towards the restaurant, God alone knew how much it was all costing her.
After lunch we went up to the room, the food had been incredible, the desert we both agreed was better than sex,
We lay down on the four-poster bed staring up at the canopy, but we both felt too fat for a fumble so we roused ourselves and went for a walk instead.
There was a long winding path that crossed over the river, past a water mill then over the mill stream and a weir before it dissected the water meadow on its way to the town and at every turn we were blessed with a fresh view of the Cathedral bathed in the winter sunshine, so once we reached the town we just had to go in.
And it was an afternoon well spent; the Cathedral had a fabulous façade that merely hinted at its grand interior, the stained glass illuminated by the sun was breath taking.
We spent hours inside reading every plaque and inscription and when we left I felt cleansed and refreshed.
We took the same route back across the water meadow though in the half-light it wasn’t nearly as picturesque.
By the time we got back to the hotel we were feeling a bit tired so we decided on a long soak in the bath, together of course.
“No funny business” Georgia said her round plump naked buttocks only inches from my face.
“Why’s that” I said
“That’s for later,” she said and she lowered her cute arse into the water between by legs, then she leant back against me as the hot water lapped up over her titties.
“We have a table booked for eight o’clock”
“You’re spending too much on me” I admonished her
“I’m really not” Georgia replied
“The bridal suite, Michelin starred restaurant” I corrected her
Then she giggled until her tits jiggled in the soapy water.
“My dad gave me a whole load of vouchers,” she confessed with laughter still in her voice “it hasn’t cost me anything yet”
After Georgia had washed her hair we lay in the soapy water until it started to get cold.
I watched with lustful eyes as her gorgeous body emerged from the water and she wiggled her arse in front of me as she stepped out.
I really wanted her, but she said I had to wait and I knew she was well worth that wait and my patience would be suitably rewarded, but I wanted then and again later.
I turned the hot water on and as I continued to soak. I stared appreciatively at my erection as I listened to Georgia drying her hair my mind obviously strayed towards her damp un-towelled pubes.
Becoming curious to know what she was doing when the hairdryer stopped I craned my neck so I could see her stunning reflection in the mirror as she dried herself.
This voyeurism was doing nothing to diminish my erection so I decided to get out of the bath and drying myself off before shaving, and then I cleaned my teeth and applied my aftershave.
I emerged from the bathroom just in time to see Georgia, wearing a little black dress, walking hornily through a freshly atomised cloud of perfume.
Then with the final touches applied she sat on the bed and looked at me with complete and utter, and shamelessly undisguised lust.
It was almost bordering on the perverted; I looked forward to dealing with her later.
As we walked through reception I am not ashamed to admit I felt exceeding proud to have such a beautiful girl on my arm.
Just before we entered to restaurant I turned to her and said
“I love you miss Gregory”
Georgia smiled and kissed me.
“I love you too” she responded “old man”
“Old man?” I exclaimed as I watched her walk ahead of me.
“Come on keep up granddad” she called.
We were seated in the conservatory section of the restaurant and it was a little cool so I asked the waiter to close the skylight as Georgia had goose bumps on her arms and her temperature gauges had activated.
The waiter duly obliged and then Georgia asked
“Are you staring at my nipples?”
“Of course” I replied
“Well that’s alright then” she said so I continued staring
“You didn’t bother with a bra then” I stated
“Are you complaining?” Georgia asked
“Not at all, less for me to take off later” I replied
“Don’t assume you’re getting lucky just because it’s your birthday” she said aloofly
“So what was that lustful leer you were giving me earlier?” I asked
“Indigestion” she replied
“You’ll soon change your tune once I get my hand inside your knickers” I told her
“No chance of that” she said and blushed crimson red
I put my hand on her knee and moved my hand up under her skirt and beyond her stocking top to her knickerless nonny.
I pulled one of her pubes and made her yelp.
“The last time you went out without any knickers on you were in bed for three days” I reminded her
“That’s a result I would settle for this time,” she confessed
Luckily at that moment the starters arrived and it was so delicious that my thoughts were completely distracted from Georgia’s freshly laundered and unfettered fanny.
It was only when we were sipping our coffee that the lascivious leer returned to her innocent face and a trouser tickle to my pants.
This tickle grew as I remembered that the founder of the feast seated next to me was “sans pants”.
I put my hand back on her knee and gently pulled her legs apart.
Then my hand crept along her thigh, dwelling momentarily on the lacy fringe before proceeding along the soft silkiness of her inner thigh and ultimately the luscious moist jewel of her young pussy.
Her lips were already open and very accommodating to my approaching fingers, which slipped along her slippery gash and entered her easily.
She instantly closed her legs
“Upstairs now” she ordered “sign the bill and get upstairs you dirty old man”
“Yes miss” I said feigning a tug of my forelock
My cock was ready to burst out of my trousers and I was going to leave the restaurant with a very awkward gait, which would give the appearance to the untrained eye of an old man walking.
The throbbing in my trousers was now accompanied by an ache dwelling deep in my balls.
We left the restaurant slightly less together than when we entered, I was still walking awkwardly and Georgia was walking extremely quickly but only from the knees down.
Her thighs were together and her buttocks appeared clenched.
We said goodnight to the reception staff and once out of sight Georgie charged up the stairs taking them two steps at a time.
I went off after her in similar vein and caught up with her on the first floor landing.
I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her,
Then I hitched up her dress and my hand went straight to her fluffy brown bush
“I like your new habit of not wearing any drawers,” I said
“It saves me having to yank them down around your ankles”
“I knew you’d like it you dirty old man” she said wickedly
I pushed two fingers into her tight wet cunny and rubbed her clitoris with my thumb and she let out a long breathy sigh.
She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and raised one leg off the ground,
There was the sound of voices below and in an instant she had extricated herself and was away up the stairs.
“You’ll have to catch me if you want more” she called over her shoulder.
The swelling in my trousers was not making movement any easier and Georgia had a head start on me.
But on the next flight of stairs she paused to remove her shoes and I managed to grab one of her stockinged ankles.
Georgia was giggling as she tried to wriggle free but I wasn’t letting go and as she tried to scramble up the stairs on all fours I improved my hold on her by grabbing her about the waist with my left arm.
Meanwhile my right hand returned up her dress and fingered her pussy once more and she squealed with delight as I frigged her.
After a minute of this I yanked her dress up and exposed her round white buttocks, this gave me a great view of the object of my attentions and I felt the sudden need to drink of her,
But as soon as my lips touched hers and before my tongue could taste her hot cunny juice she managed to wriggle away and I could only watch on as she scampered up the stairs.
When she reached the top stair she sat there triumphantly with the dress still rucked up around her middle.
“Come on then, birthday boy” she said taunting me by opening and closing her legs and as Georgia spread her legs wide I could see her juicy moist lips as she slipped her finger down her crack.
Then Georgia stood up holding her shoes in one hand and still fingering herself with the other, before she headed towards the bridal suite.
She was stood leaning against the door waiting for me and as I got close she took the room key card from her stocking top and opened the door.
Giggling and squealing as she did so, then she dropped her shoes and jumped onto the four-poster bed.
I rushed into the room and closed the door to find Georgia was kneeling on the bed with her back to me.
I kicked off my shoes and undid my trousers and by the time I reached the end of the bed I was naked except for my socks, which under normal circumstances I would have removed as well but my balls were fit to bust.
Georgia was kneeling at the end of the bed with her arse on full display as she gripped on to the bedpost with both hands.
She giggled as I unzipped her dress and slipped it off her shoulders so my hands could play with her beautiful titties.
“Do you have vouchers for this?” I asked as I stood there my legs trembling
“Just fuck me,” she ordered “this is your birthday treat”
“Credit then” I said as my cock slipped effortlessly into her tight cunny.
Georgia exhaled a low animal grunt as I went into her up to my balls.
My hands abandoned her titties and grasped onto her hips while she held, white knuckled, onto the bed post as she pushed down onto me as she grunted ever louder with each successive penetration.
With the length of stroke shortening her moans became more urgent, more guttural, and more animal
Until Georgia’s whole body went into spasm as she came with a sensual scream and my cock pulsed and twitched inside her.
Then we collapsed onto the bed where we lay in a panting heap
Until Georgia wriggled herself out of her dress and went down on me,
“Happy birthday to me” I said
It had been the most exceptional of days where I enjoyed Randy Pandy’s delights to the absolute max.
Although I feared it might be for the last time because Pandora had an admirer of whom she was mutually attracted to.
And if things did develop between Pandora and “Harry of the beautiful hill” it was more than possible that Harry Beaumont would be exploring Pandora’s beautiful hills exclusively.
Of course I should have excluded myself from her goodies voluntarily; after all I had a girlfriend, Georgia, who should have been the sole beneficiary of my lust.
So if Pandora’s Box was to be closed to me I would have to be content, and I should be content.
But as the mythology goes when Pandora’s Box was opened and all the evils escaped into the world all that remained was hope
so if it did close after that day then there was always hope it would open again.
All of this was running around my brain as I trudged through the darkness towards home.
When I got into the house I made a coffee and finished watching the DVD from the night before, “The Fifth Element”, the film of which my enjoyment was so rudely interrupted by randy Pandy.
I imagined I felt a slight stirring down below but it had to be my imagination after how it had been made to perform.
Together we had opened a whole new account in my wank bank
After the film was finished I went upstairs to my bed and when I walked into my bedroom I found Pandora had left her black silk knickers laid out neatly on my pillow.
And as I stood looking down at the expensive black panties that I had pulled off her full plump buttocks only the night before I really did feel a stirring.
Sunday I deemed to be predominantly a day of rest,
I did go to church however and although I didn’t intend to, I ended up lunching with Victoria at the Cross Keys.
Her usual companion Judith still hadn’t returned from Kiddingstone after the Burns Night Supper and with Maisie working at Mahajak’s she was at a loose end so I went with her instead.
And my gallantry was rewarded with a very enjoyable luncheon in very good company.
After the meal we were joined by Tilly Bushe and her brother Tristan.
Tristan was in ebullient mood as he had just heard that his offer on the Overend house had been accepted.
Suffice is to say we were in the pub considerably longer than I originally intended.
In fact the session only ended when Robert came to meet Tilly and take her to spend the afternoon with Katy.
Tristan and I helped Victoria to her bed I mused that had I taken her home alone I would probably have joined her.
We then went back to mine as Tristan was too drunk to drive and he promptly fell asleep on the sofa while I was making drinks and he was so drunk he ended up staying until morning.
As I found myself alone with an unresponsive guest I decided to pop back to check on Victoria and found her to be much better company.
On Monday morning a very hung-over Tristan thanked me for my hospitality and walked off in the direction of the pub to find his car.
I myself set straight to work to rearrange the contents of my recently added to wank bank into titillating tales of lust and lasciviousness.
My hope was to dash off a sufficient quantity of dirty stories to keep my publisher Gay Gordon off my back for at least a month.
Thankfully by early evening I was able to say
“Mission accomplished”
And I promptly emailed the latest batch of smut to Gordon.
My reason for wanting to clear the decks so to speak was because Tuesday was the day of the meeting at the church hall to make the final arrangements regarding Katy Oliver’s palliative care.
And as a result I wanted to ensure I had no more demands on my time than was necessary.
My February schedule was pretty clear save for the birthday treat Georgia had planned for me and Valentine’s Day.
The only other commitments in February were my Roving Angels Patrols.
Normally it would only be one patrol a month but I had missed my January stint because of my impromptu Tunisian sojourn.
As a result I had volunteered to do an extra one to redress the balance.
Neither of which would interfere with the immediate demands on my time.
Just after one o’clock there was a knock on the door and when I opened it I found it was Molly Curtis.
“Hey Moll” I said
“Hello Cuz” she said and we embraced.
“You’re early” I added, “have you come for a quickie”
“I wish” Molly said “But unfortunately I have a visitor”
“Shame” I said
“Oh don’t worry it’s only a short visit” she replied with a leer then we had a bite of lunch and then walked down to the church hall together.
The meeting wasn’t long in duration as all those previously tasked with particular elements of the overall care plan had completed each one with meticulous thoroughness.
The rotas of every description were compiled and a timetable had been drawn up with teams of volunteers at the ready.
The only fly in the ointment was that the medical equipment was to be delivered on the 1st of February, my birthday, when I was to be away from home.
However the news of this detail failed to raise even a flicker of concern with the committee who took it all in their collective stride and said it would be taken care of and I could go off on my birthday trip without a care.
On my return I would have a day or two of normality before Katie moved in on the 4th.
After the meeting, Molly went off to work and I returned home with complete peace of mind, on the subject of Katie’s care at any rate.
Alone with my own thoughts for a couple of days I used the time to reflect on the extraordinary month of January.
It had been a funny month, which began with my New Year’s resolution to adopt monogamy, and be faithful to Georgia.
It was my “New Year, New Me” resolution which ended in a spectacular failure on New Year’s Day afternoon when I sullied the Presidents club billiard table with Shula Mahajak’s.
That wasn’t the worst of it though; my display of shameful behaviour was demonstrated while Georgia was in my bed at home with the flu.
But as if that wasn’t low enough for me to stoop, I then went on to defile a woman of the cloth in Godalming, twice.
That was difficult even for me to come to terms with and in order to try and forget my sinful desecration of Reverend Oliver I sought solace in the arms of a stranger in numerous and prolonged dalliances in Tunis.
On my return to the UK I almost died of exposure before coming close to ruining the reputation of a well-respected doctor after she raised me from the dead, not for the first time I might add.
I then proceeded to add to the infidelity, blasphemy and general immorality I had already succumbed to when I committed a lewd act in a public place, namely when I shagged Shula in the swimming baths changing room.
This still left time before the end of the month for me to enjoy Pandora’s delicious delights, home and away so to speak.
Which was a bittersweet experience, though in truth it was incredibly sweet with the only bitterness being the prospect of it being for the final time.
But I did almost ruin her reputation into the bargain.
Despite my busy week I still managed to find the time to reacquaint myself with Victoria Braithwaite as she lay both in her bed and in her cups.
So as the month came to its close I chose to reassess.
I knew I wasn’t going to kick my philandering ways altogether, because I knew that I didn’t really want to.
But like a habitual smoker I needed to wean myself off slowly.
If I could at least keep them to a minimum then my little indiscretions would be the equivalent of nicotine patches.
As I had completely failed, by any measurement, in January, I would begin again in February.
I was going to meet Georgia on the 31st and spend my birthday with her.
As my New Year’s resolution, “New Year New Me”, didn’t work and January had turned into a total fuck fest. I decided my new clarion call would be “30 day” instead.
My thirtieth birthday was on the 1st of February so that would be my new line in the sand.
On Thursday morning I caught the train to Kiddingstone where I picked up a hire car from Clarion Cars after which I returned home and collected my overnight bag.
I then drove to the doctor’s surgery and left a front door key to my house with Olivia Adamson before continuing on to Roehampton.
Georgia had a lunchtime lecture but she had finished and was back home by the time I got to the house.
It had only been two weeks since we had last been together but that was clearly 14 days too long for Georgie because she was all over me like a rash the moment I stepped through the door.
Horny Miss Georgie of course was not; I was pleased to say, supplementing her lusty diet like I was.
So that kind of took care of the rest of the day.
When I awoke on Friday morning, it being my birthday, I was expecting some more of the same.
But Georgia was already up and showered and apart from wishing me a happy birthday with a kiss she was not giving me anything else.
I had to get a move on apparently; the day was wasting, places to go, inside her knickers not being one of them.
So I had to get up and shower, I was also ordered to shave and make myself presentable and dress smartly and still not a sniff of a birthday shag.
I did what was asked of me and made myself as agreeable as I could.
When I finished and was past fit to be seen with by Georgia, I noticed she was also well turned out in a smart two piece suit and all the trimmings, we were both done up as if we were going to a wedding.
That was an interesting though random thought.
At ten o’clock, the two of us set off in the car, although only one of us knew the destination and it wasn’t me.
I was completely in her hands, Georgia gave me directions and I drove.
It was my birthday treat which she had planned to the last detail, none of which she had told me, so I drove on following her every instruction.
With each twist and turn I tried to guess our destination as she chattered away, but in the end I gave up and decided to just enjoy the company and the scenery.
We arrived in Salisbury on a sunny and unseasonably mild day and I still wasn’t sure if that was our final destination, until
“Turn right” Georgia shouted
“What here?” I asked
“Yes” she answered
I followed her instructions and drove into the car park of the Castle View Hotel.
I was a little alarmed as it looked like a very expensive hotel and Georgia was treating me for my birthday.
“This looks nice” I said “Maybe too nice”
“Don’t be silly,” she said, “you’re worth it”
We checked in and went upstairs, Georgia had booked us into the bridal suite, another random thought crossed my mind, complete with four poster bed and a fantastic view of the Cathedral, although to be fair, as we were to find out later, there weren’t many places in Salisbury that you couldn’t see the cathedral from, however from our room it was a particularly fine view.
Not as fine as the view of Georgia pulling her drawers down and sitting on the loo.
I felt a familiar tingle in my pants as I listened to her peeing, and thought it was time to christen the four poster bed in the usual manner, but much To my regret I wasn’t given the opportunity as Georgia had booked us into the hotel restaurant for lunch, a well patronised establishment and a well-deserved recipient of a Michelin star apparently.
I could have given her a few more stars than that if she was the recipient of what was brewing in my trousers.
Still it was lunchtime and I was hungry and not just for her so we head towards the restaurant, God alone knew how much it was all costing her.
After lunch we went up to the room, the food had been incredible, the desert we both agreed was better than sex,
We lay down on the four-poster bed staring up at the canopy, but we both felt too fat for a fumble so we roused ourselves and went for a walk instead.
There was a long winding path that crossed over the river, past a water mill then over the mill stream and a weir before it dissected the water meadow on its way to the town and at every turn we were blessed with a fresh view of the Cathedral bathed in the winter sunshine, so once we reached the town we just had to go in.
And it was an afternoon well spent; the Cathedral had a fabulous façade that merely hinted at its grand interior, the stained glass illuminated by the sun was breath taking.
We spent hours inside reading every plaque and inscription and when we left I felt cleansed and refreshed.
We took the same route back across the water meadow though in the half-light it wasn’t nearly as picturesque.
By the time we got back to the hotel we were feeling a bit tired so we decided on a long soak in the bath, together of course.
“No funny business” Georgia said her round plump naked buttocks only inches from my face.
“Why’s that” I said
“That’s for later,” she said and she lowered her cute arse into the water between by legs, then she leant back against me as the hot water lapped up over her titties.
“We have a table booked for eight o’clock”
“You’re spending too much on me” I admonished her
“I’m really not” Georgia replied
“The bridal suite, Michelin starred restaurant” I corrected her
Then she giggled until her tits jiggled in the soapy water.
“My dad gave me a whole load of vouchers,” she confessed with laughter still in her voice “it hasn’t cost me anything yet”
After Georgia had washed her hair we lay in the soapy water until it started to get cold.
I watched with lustful eyes as her gorgeous body emerged from the water and she wiggled her arse in front of me as she stepped out.
I really wanted her, but she said I had to wait and I knew she was well worth that wait and my patience would be suitably rewarded, but I wanted then and again later.
I turned the hot water on and as I continued to soak. I stared appreciatively at my erection as I listened to Georgia drying her hair my mind obviously strayed towards her damp un-towelled pubes.
Becoming curious to know what she was doing when the hairdryer stopped I craned my neck so I could see her stunning reflection in the mirror as she dried herself.
This voyeurism was doing nothing to diminish my erection so I decided to get out of the bath and drying myself off before shaving, and then I cleaned my teeth and applied my aftershave.
I emerged from the bathroom just in time to see Georgia, wearing a little black dress, walking hornily through a freshly atomised cloud of perfume.
Then with the final touches applied she sat on the bed and looked at me with complete and utter, and shamelessly undisguised lust.
It was almost bordering on the perverted; I looked forward to dealing with her later.
As we walked through reception I am not ashamed to admit I felt exceeding proud to have such a beautiful girl on my arm.
Just before we entered to restaurant I turned to her and said
“I love you miss Gregory”
Georgia smiled and kissed me.
“I love you too” she responded “old man”
“Old man?” I exclaimed as I watched her walk ahead of me.
“Come on keep up granddad” she called.
We were seated in the conservatory section of the restaurant and it was a little cool so I asked the waiter to close the skylight as Georgia had goose bumps on her arms and her temperature gauges had activated.
The waiter duly obliged and then Georgia asked
“Are you staring at my nipples?”
“Of course” I replied
“Well that’s alright then” she said so I continued staring
“You didn’t bother with a bra then” I stated
“Are you complaining?” Georgia asked
“Not at all, less for me to take off later” I replied
“Don’t assume you’re getting lucky just because it’s your birthday” she said aloofly
“So what was that lustful leer you were giving me earlier?” I asked
“Indigestion” she replied
“You’ll soon change your tune once I get my hand inside your knickers” I told her
“No chance of that” she said and blushed crimson red
I put my hand on her knee and moved my hand up under her skirt and beyond her stocking top to her knickerless nonny.
I pulled one of her pubes and made her yelp.
“The last time you went out without any knickers on you were in bed for three days” I reminded her
“That’s a result I would settle for this time,” she confessed
Luckily at that moment the starters arrived and it was so delicious that my thoughts were completely distracted from Georgia’s freshly laundered and unfettered fanny.
It was only when we were sipping our coffee that the lascivious leer returned to her innocent face and a trouser tickle to my pants.
This tickle grew as I remembered that the founder of the feast seated next to me was “sans pants”.
I put my hand back on her knee and gently pulled her legs apart.
Then my hand crept along her thigh, dwelling momentarily on the lacy fringe before proceeding along the soft silkiness of her inner thigh and ultimately the luscious moist jewel of her young pussy.
Her lips were already open and very accommodating to my approaching fingers, which slipped along her slippery gash and entered her easily.
She instantly closed her legs
“Upstairs now” she ordered “sign the bill and get upstairs you dirty old man”
“Yes miss” I said feigning a tug of my forelock
My cock was ready to burst out of my trousers and I was going to leave the restaurant with a very awkward gait, which would give the appearance to the untrained eye of an old man walking.
The throbbing in my trousers was now accompanied by an ache dwelling deep in my balls.
We left the restaurant slightly less together than when we entered, I was still walking awkwardly and Georgia was walking extremely quickly but only from the knees down.
Her thighs were together and her buttocks appeared clenched.
We said goodnight to the reception staff and once out of sight Georgie charged up the stairs taking them two steps at a time.
I went off after her in similar vein and caught up with her on the first floor landing.
I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her,
Then I hitched up her dress and my hand went straight to her fluffy brown bush
“I like your new habit of not wearing any drawers,” I said
“It saves me having to yank them down around your ankles”
“I knew you’d like it you dirty old man” she said wickedly
I pushed two fingers into her tight wet cunny and rubbed her clitoris with my thumb and she let out a long breathy sigh.
She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and raised one leg off the ground,
There was the sound of voices below and in an instant she had extricated herself and was away up the stairs.
“You’ll have to catch me if you want more” she called over her shoulder.
The swelling in my trousers was not making movement any easier and Georgia had a head start on me.
But on the next flight of stairs she paused to remove her shoes and I managed to grab one of her stockinged ankles.
Georgia was giggling as she tried to wriggle free but I wasn’t letting go and as she tried to scramble up the stairs on all fours I improved my hold on her by grabbing her about the waist with my left arm.
Meanwhile my right hand returned up her dress and fingered her pussy once more and she squealed with delight as I frigged her.
After a minute of this I yanked her dress up and exposed her round white buttocks, this gave me a great view of the object of my attentions and I felt the sudden need to drink of her,
But as soon as my lips touched hers and before my tongue could taste her hot cunny juice she managed to wriggle away and I could only watch on as she scampered up the stairs.
When she reached the top stair she sat there triumphantly with the dress still rucked up around her middle.
“Come on then, birthday boy” she said taunting me by opening and closing her legs and as Georgia spread her legs wide I could see her juicy moist lips as she slipped her finger down her crack.
Then Georgia stood up holding her shoes in one hand and still fingering herself with the other, before she headed towards the bridal suite.
She was stood leaning against the door waiting for me and as I got close she took the room key card from her stocking top and opened the door.
Giggling and squealing as she did so, then she dropped her shoes and jumped onto the four-poster bed.
I rushed into the room and closed the door to find Georgia was kneeling on the bed with her back to me.
I kicked off my shoes and undid my trousers and by the time I reached the end of the bed I was naked except for my socks, which under normal circumstances I would have removed as well but my balls were fit to bust.
Georgia was kneeling at the end of the bed with her arse on full display as she gripped on to the bedpost with both hands.
She giggled as I unzipped her dress and slipped it off her shoulders so my hands could play with her beautiful titties.
“Do you have vouchers for this?” I asked as I stood there my legs trembling
“Just fuck me,” she ordered “this is your birthday treat”
“Credit then” I said as my cock slipped effortlessly into her tight cunny.
Georgia exhaled a low animal grunt as I went into her up to my balls.
My hands abandoned her titties and grasped onto her hips while she held, white knuckled, onto the bed post as she pushed down onto me as she grunted ever louder with each successive penetration.
With the length of stroke shortening her moans became more urgent, more guttural, and more animal
Until Georgia’s whole body went into spasm as she came with a sensual scream and my cock pulsed and twitched inside her.
Then we collapsed onto the bed where we lay in a panting heap
Until Georgia wriggled herself out of her dress and went down on me,
“Happy birthday to me” I said
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
An Antidote To Writers Block (Part 56) The Morning After The Night Before
On the morning after the Burns Night Supper, following an unexpected, but nonetheless extraordinarily passionate sexual encounter, I woke about midmorning to find Pandora Parkinson Brown under the duvet performing toe curling fellatio on me.
Under the circumstances there was only one thing I could do which was to join her under the covers and return the favour.
The result of this mutually generous act was that we didn’t arrive downstairs until lunchtime.
However I don’t wish to convey the impression that we were in anyway slovenly so I can honestly say that we were at least showered, though admittedly not dressed.
So we ate lunch rather decadently in bath robes and to be perfectly honest I was looking forward to spending the afternoon in a similar vein to the morning.
I’m sure that similar thoughts were crossing Pandora’s mind and the heat of passion was coursing through her veins as ferociously as my own, I definitely had a distinct trouser tickle and I felt sure Pandora was feeling the female equivalent thereof.
So with that in mind I was just trying to formulate a plan to get inside her again when there was a knock on the front door.
“Who’s that?” Pandy asked with panic in her voice and a look on her face like a startled rabbit.
“I don’t know” I replied “go upstairs and I’ll find out”
I waited for Pandora to tiptoe upstairs and once she was safely out of sight I opened the door.
“My god” Frankie said “you do know it’s the afternoon”
“Shut your face” I responded “I had a late night”
“I can just imagine what you were doing” she said and then gesturing towards the Cherokee added “is this the lucky princess’s carriage?”
“No” I replied “Cinders went home already”
“So whose is that beast?”
“It’s Pandora Parkinson Brown’s, she went to the Burns supper with Judith last night” I explained “She obviously went straight home last night so I’m dropping it off for her later”
“Ok” she said “I’m going to be a couple of hours finishing off”
“I’ll leave the door on the latch so you can use the facilities” I said and closed the door.
I ran upstairs to find Pandora pacing around the bedroom in her black silk knickers and her faux fur shrug; I never wanted her more than at that moment.
“What am I going to do?” she said panic stricken
“Well don’t panic for a start” I said
“It’s alright for you” she shouted “everyone already knows what you’re like”
Then she continued pacing, picked up her evening dress and threw it on the bed.
“What was I thinking” she ranted “how can I go home in that, everyone will know I’ve been out all night”
I left the room while she continued her rant and returned a few minutes later carrying some clothes in my arms.
“The Jeans and sweater are my Cousin Molly’s, she’s a similar shape to you” I said handing Pandora the clothes “and the pumps are Georgia’s she has the same size foot”
Pandora looked at me and then ran into my arms
“You’re a life saver” she said and kissed me
“Get dressed” I said and left the room again this time I returned carrying a holdall “Put your party clothes in this”
Pandora did as I told her; I quickly got dressed myself and went downstairs, Pandora walked gingerly down the stairs to join me after about ten minutes.
“It’s ok Frankie’s out the front” I called from the lounge where I was looking through the window.
I walked towards the hall and added
“Leave the bag there” and taking her by the hand I led her out through the kitchen and out the back door and then into the garage.
“Wait in there” I instructed and kissed her forehead
I then went back in the house and picked up the holdall and the car keys and opened the front door.
I went to the back of the Cherokee and opened the tailgate and threw in the bag.
There was a car rug in the boot so I picked that up and closed the door again.
Then I opened the rear passenger door on the driver’s side threw in the rug and left the door open before going back in the house.
I went straight out the back door and re-joined Pandora in the garage and told her what to do.
I took a deep breath before emerging from the front door and closing it behind me.
I gave Frankie a wave before opening the garage door.
Then I walked down the path to speak to her
“Hey Frankie” I called “I’m going to drop Pandora’s car off”
While I walked down the path Pandora crept out from the garage and onto the back seat of the car where she hid under the blanket.
“Ok” she replied
“I’ve left the door on the latch for you” I added “if you’re done before I get back can you lock it?”
“Sure thing” she replied
“The path looks great by the way” I said “but we’ll have to re-landscape the garden now”
“We?” Frankie said “I will have to re-landscape”
“There’s no “I” in team Frankie” I replied “See you later”
Once I was sure Pandora was safely hidden I went back up the path and closed the garage door.
I quickly checked Pandora couldn’t be seen before I closed the passenger door and got in the car.
“I think your reputation is safe madam” I whispered
“I feel like a scarlet woman” she giggled
“So do I” I replied
“You’re sex mad” she said
I looked in the rear view mirror as we drove though the village, Pandora was laying across the back seat completely covered by the blanket apart from her finger which were gripping the edge of the blanket and the top of her head, she looked like a chad.
Every time we passed another car or a pedestrian I shouted
“Hide Mrs Chad”
Once through the village I headed towards the posh side of Bushy Down.
“I don’t get to Nob Hill as often as I’d like” I said
“I don’t get knob as often as I’d like” Pandy replied
“Pandora Parkinson Brown!!” I said shocked “I thought you were a lady”
“I am a lady, just Not when I’m with you” she replied “with you I can be a Trollope”
“Fare comment” I replied
When I got to Pandora’s, I drove the car onto her drive.
“Put it in the garage” Pandora said “the remote is in the glove compartment”
I opened the garage door as instructed and drove in, then closed the door behind me.
“We made it” Pandora yelled from beneath the blanket.
“Yes your reputation is unblemished” I agreed
We got out of the Cherokee and after retrieving her party clothes from the boot we went into the house safe from prying eyes.
We emerged in the kitchen where Pandora took the bag from me.
“Make a drink darling” she said “while I get changed”
So I boiled the kettle and made us coffee.
I was sat on a stool drinking mine when Pandy re-joined me in the kitchen about 15 minutes later.
She had indeed changed out of the borrowed items she arrived in; she was now standing in the doorway wearing matching red silk underwear, black stockings, high heeled shoes and a lascivious expression.
“Did someone order a scarlet woman?” she asked coyly
It took me completely by surprise and I almost fainted as all the blood rushed to my loins.
“I’m very partial to a scarlet woman” I said as I looked her up and down.
Pandora was such a classy woman even when she was playing the strumpet.
A classy chassis dressed in classy expensive lingerie, the camisole merely hinted at its formidable contents and only her proud peaks betrayed her arousal and her camiknickers were both flattering and tempting simultaneously while her black stockings were again of the highest quality as were their contents.
My hands sweated and my mouth salivated as I surveyed every inch of the gorgeous package
“Especially a posh one”
“Is that why you want me” she asked as she walked towards me on her high heels which probable cost more than my last royalty cheque. “Because I’m posh”
“I do like posh birds” I confessed “but I want you now because you’re hot”
“Good answer” Pandora said as she stood in front of me. “You can have the prize now”
Then she moved in close and kissed me slowly and deliberately and my cock almost burst out of my trousers.
“Can I unwrap it now?” I asked her between kisses
“You don’t have to unwrap it completely” she replied with a coy smile.
I knew precisely what she meant by that so I ran my fingers lightly across the cool silk of her camisole, they caressed gently around her breast and brushed her nipples, stirring them like an autumn breeze and making her suck air through her teeth before kissing me urgently.
My hand made full meaningful contact with her firm round breast and my thumb traced circles around the areola of her aroused teat.
Pandora pressed up against me so close a cigarette paper couldn’t have passed between us.
My hand abandoned her breast and joined its partner to fondle her ample silk clad buttocks.
She fidgeted and shuffled her feet and then lifted one leg and put her foot on the bottom rail of the stool.
This motion offered up her stocking topped thigh to within easy reach of my hand, a situation I immediately took advantage of.
Beginning at her knee I stroked her leg, the stocking was sheer and cool beneath my palm, the lace topping was luxurious and the flesh beyond as soft and silky as the red knickers at the top of her thigh.
We stopped kissing and Pandora rested her forehead against mine as my hand slipped up her knicker leg and my fingers were quickly toying amidst her pubic hairs.
I could feel Pandora’s breath on my face and as my fingers slipped into the creamy wetness between her lips she exclaimed a loud “Woarrr”
As I marvelled at her wetness and how delicious her cream felt between my fingers she moved her head next to mine so I could hear her murmuring and panting.
These erotic emanations soon turned to moans as I rubbed her clit and it wasn’t many moments before she stiffened in my arms as she came loudly in my ear at my tender touch.
Her arms were locked around my neck as she kissed my ear and chewed roughly on my earlobe before she wetly tongued every contour of my ear.
I grasped a handful of fleshy buttock in each hand and stood up, not an easy task with Pandora wrapped around my neck like an anaconda, but made all the more difficult by the added handicap of a rather noteworthy erection trying desperately to break free.
Still I wasn’t planning on a route march I only needed to stagger three paces, there I deposited Pandora’s plump arse on the island in the middle of the kitchen.
As her plump cheeks slapped onto the marble worktop she released her vice like grip, she looked at me very lustfully and smiled before resting her head on my chest.
She remained in that position all the while she was extricating my swollen member from my clothing.
When she had completed her task she looked back up at me, her mouth wearing a distinct leer as she grasped my cock tightly in her small hand.
I could have taken the opportunity to undress her, she wouldn’t have complained, but I knew that wasn’t what she wanted.
I put my hand on her cheek and turning her face towards me I kissed her lustful lips as she held on to my manhood as if her life depended on it.
With the merest of pressure I pulled her legs open and with her open to the fullest, I slipped my thumb up the leg of her silk panties and pulled them to one side and exposed the moist flesh.
So when I inched forward her hand guided me in.
“Woarrr” she roared in my mouth as I penetrated her.
She gripped my hips with her knees and her stiletto heels dug into my calves as I thrust into her a second and third time.
Pandora released her grip from about my neck and leant back, resting on her hands as she continued to receive me.
She was panting and puffing like a steam engine as I thrust again and again.
I was in no hurry to finish her as I wanted to savour every moment of it, after all now she had met Harry Beaumont, Harry of the beautiful hills, I couldn’t be sure if this was going to be the last time I got enjoy her.
But all things must come to an end and Pandora was on the brink of orgasm and exhaustion so as she had collapsed onto her back I slid both hands up under her camisole and groped at her beautiful tits while I quickened the pace until she screamed out in orgasm and I followed her with a grunt.
Pandora squirmed and sighed smugly,
“That was fab” she said
I thought to myself that if it was to be our swan song it wasn’t at all bad.
As it turned out my fears proved to be premature in regard to Pandora as she took me to her bed and kept me there until darkness fell. after which I walked home alone across the golf course unseen.
Under the circumstances there was only one thing I could do which was to join her under the covers and return the favour.
The result of this mutually generous act was that we didn’t arrive downstairs until lunchtime.
However I don’t wish to convey the impression that we were in anyway slovenly so I can honestly say that we were at least showered, though admittedly not dressed.
So we ate lunch rather decadently in bath robes and to be perfectly honest I was looking forward to spending the afternoon in a similar vein to the morning.
I’m sure that similar thoughts were crossing Pandora’s mind and the heat of passion was coursing through her veins as ferociously as my own, I definitely had a distinct trouser tickle and I felt sure Pandora was feeling the female equivalent thereof.
So with that in mind I was just trying to formulate a plan to get inside her again when there was a knock on the front door.
“Who’s that?” Pandy asked with panic in her voice and a look on her face like a startled rabbit.
“I don’t know” I replied “go upstairs and I’ll find out”
I waited for Pandora to tiptoe upstairs and once she was safely out of sight I opened the door.
“My god” Frankie said “you do know it’s the afternoon”
“Shut your face” I responded “I had a late night”
“I can just imagine what you were doing” she said and then gesturing towards the Cherokee added “is this the lucky princess’s carriage?”
“No” I replied “Cinders went home already”
“So whose is that beast?”
“It’s Pandora Parkinson Brown’s, she went to the Burns supper with Judith last night” I explained “She obviously went straight home last night so I’m dropping it off for her later”
“Ok” she said “I’m going to be a couple of hours finishing off”
“I’ll leave the door on the latch so you can use the facilities” I said and closed the door.
I ran upstairs to find Pandora pacing around the bedroom in her black silk knickers and her faux fur shrug; I never wanted her more than at that moment.
“What am I going to do?” she said panic stricken
“Well don’t panic for a start” I said
“It’s alright for you” she shouted “everyone already knows what you’re like”
Then she continued pacing, picked up her evening dress and threw it on the bed.
“What was I thinking” she ranted “how can I go home in that, everyone will know I’ve been out all night”
I left the room while she continued her rant and returned a few minutes later carrying some clothes in my arms.
“The Jeans and sweater are my Cousin Molly’s, she’s a similar shape to you” I said handing Pandora the clothes “and the pumps are Georgia’s she has the same size foot”
Pandora looked at me and then ran into my arms
“You’re a life saver” she said and kissed me
“Get dressed” I said and left the room again this time I returned carrying a holdall “Put your party clothes in this”
Pandora did as I told her; I quickly got dressed myself and went downstairs, Pandora walked gingerly down the stairs to join me after about ten minutes.
“It’s ok Frankie’s out the front” I called from the lounge where I was looking through the window.
I walked towards the hall and added
“Leave the bag there” and taking her by the hand I led her out through the kitchen and out the back door and then into the garage.
“Wait in there” I instructed and kissed her forehead
I then went back in the house and picked up the holdall and the car keys and opened the front door.
I went to the back of the Cherokee and opened the tailgate and threw in the bag.
There was a car rug in the boot so I picked that up and closed the door again.
Then I opened the rear passenger door on the driver’s side threw in the rug and left the door open before going back in the house.
I went straight out the back door and re-joined Pandora in the garage and told her what to do.
I took a deep breath before emerging from the front door and closing it behind me.
I gave Frankie a wave before opening the garage door.
Then I walked down the path to speak to her
“Hey Frankie” I called “I’m going to drop Pandora’s car off”
While I walked down the path Pandora crept out from the garage and onto the back seat of the car where she hid under the blanket.
“Ok” she replied
“I’ve left the door on the latch for you” I added “if you’re done before I get back can you lock it?”
“Sure thing” she replied
“The path looks great by the way” I said “but we’ll have to re-landscape the garden now”
“We?” Frankie said “I will have to re-landscape”
“There’s no “I” in team Frankie” I replied “See you later”
Once I was sure Pandora was safely hidden I went back up the path and closed the garage door.
I quickly checked Pandora couldn’t be seen before I closed the passenger door and got in the car.
“I think your reputation is safe madam” I whispered
“I feel like a scarlet woman” she giggled
“So do I” I replied
“You’re sex mad” she said
I looked in the rear view mirror as we drove though the village, Pandora was laying across the back seat completely covered by the blanket apart from her finger which were gripping the edge of the blanket and the top of her head, she looked like a chad.
Every time we passed another car or a pedestrian I shouted
“Hide Mrs Chad”
Once through the village I headed towards the posh side of Bushy Down.
“I don’t get to Nob Hill as often as I’d like” I said
“I don’t get knob as often as I’d like” Pandy replied
“Pandora Parkinson Brown!!” I said shocked “I thought you were a lady”
“I am a lady, just Not when I’m with you” she replied “with you I can be a Trollope”
“Fare comment” I replied
When I got to Pandora’s, I drove the car onto her drive.
“Put it in the garage” Pandora said “the remote is in the glove compartment”
I opened the garage door as instructed and drove in, then closed the door behind me.
“We made it” Pandora yelled from beneath the blanket.
“Yes your reputation is unblemished” I agreed
We got out of the Cherokee and after retrieving her party clothes from the boot we went into the house safe from prying eyes.
We emerged in the kitchen where Pandora took the bag from me.
“Make a drink darling” she said “while I get changed”
So I boiled the kettle and made us coffee.
I was sat on a stool drinking mine when Pandy re-joined me in the kitchen about 15 minutes later.
She had indeed changed out of the borrowed items she arrived in; she was now standing in the doorway wearing matching red silk underwear, black stockings, high heeled shoes and a lascivious expression.
“Did someone order a scarlet woman?” she asked coyly
It took me completely by surprise and I almost fainted as all the blood rushed to my loins.
“I’m very partial to a scarlet woman” I said as I looked her up and down.
Pandora was such a classy woman even when she was playing the strumpet.
A classy chassis dressed in classy expensive lingerie, the camisole merely hinted at its formidable contents and only her proud peaks betrayed her arousal and her camiknickers were both flattering and tempting simultaneously while her black stockings were again of the highest quality as were their contents.
My hands sweated and my mouth salivated as I surveyed every inch of the gorgeous package
“Especially a posh one”
“Is that why you want me” she asked as she walked towards me on her high heels which probable cost more than my last royalty cheque. “Because I’m posh”
“I do like posh birds” I confessed “but I want you now because you’re hot”
“Good answer” Pandora said as she stood in front of me. “You can have the prize now”
Then she moved in close and kissed me slowly and deliberately and my cock almost burst out of my trousers.
“Can I unwrap it now?” I asked her between kisses
“You don’t have to unwrap it completely” she replied with a coy smile.
I knew precisely what she meant by that so I ran my fingers lightly across the cool silk of her camisole, they caressed gently around her breast and brushed her nipples, stirring them like an autumn breeze and making her suck air through her teeth before kissing me urgently.
My hand made full meaningful contact with her firm round breast and my thumb traced circles around the areola of her aroused teat.
Pandora pressed up against me so close a cigarette paper couldn’t have passed between us.
My hand abandoned her breast and joined its partner to fondle her ample silk clad buttocks.
She fidgeted and shuffled her feet and then lifted one leg and put her foot on the bottom rail of the stool.
This motion offered up her stocking topped thigh to within easy reach of my hand, a situation I immediately took advantage of.
Beginning at her knee I stroked her leg, the stocking was sheer and cool beneath my palm, the lace topping was luxurious and the flesh beyond as soft and silky as the red knickers at the top of her thigh.
We stopped kissing and Pandora rested her forehead against mine as my hand slipped up her knicker leg and my fingers were quickly toying amidst her pubic hairs.
I could feel Pandora’s breath on my face and as my fingers slipped into the creamy wetness between her lips she exclaimed a loud “Woarrr”
As I marvelled at her wetness and how delicious her cream felt between my fingers she moved her head next to mine so I could hear her murmuring and panting.
These erotic emanations soon turned to moans as I rubbed her clit and it wasn’t many moments before she stiffened in my arms as she came loudly in my ear at my tender touch.
Her arms were locked around my neck as she kissed my ear and chewed roughly on my earlobe before she wetly tongued every contour of my ear.
I grasped a handful of fleshy buttock in each hand and stood up, not an easy task with Pandora wrapped around my neck like an anaconda, but made all the more difficult by the added handicap of a rather noteworthy erection trying desperately to break free.
Still I wasn’t planning on a route march I only needed to stagger three paces, there I deposited Pandora’s plump arse on the island in the middle of the kitchen.
As her plump cheeks slapped onto the marble worktop she released her vice like grip, she looked at me very lustfully and smiled before resting her head on my chest.
She remained in that position all the while she was extricating my swollen member from my clothing.
When she had completed her task she looked back up at me, her mouth wearing a distinct leer as she grasped my cock tightly in her small hand.
I could have taken the opportunity to undress her, she wouldn’t have complained, but I knew that wasn’t what she wanted.
I put my hand on her cheek and turning her face towards me I kissed her lustful lips as she held on to my manhood as if her life depended on it.
With the merest of pressure I pulled her legs open and with her open to the fullest, I slipped my thumb up the leg of her silk panties and pulled them to one side and exposed the moist flesh.
So when I inched forward her hand guided me in.
“Woarrr” she roared in my mouth as I penetrated her.
She gripped my hips with her knees and her stiletto heels dug into my calves as I thrust into her a second and third time.
Pandora released her grip from about my neck and leant back, resting on her hands as she continued to receive me.
She was panting and puffing like a steam engine as I thrust again and again.
I was in no hurry to finish her as I wanted to savour every moment of it, after all now she had met Harry Beaumont, Harry of the beautiful hills, I couldn’t be sure if this was going to be the last time I got enjoy her.
But all things must come to an end and Pandora was on the brink of orgasm and exhaustion so as she had collapsed onto her back I slid both hands up under her camisole and groped at her beautiful tits while I quickened the pace until she screamed out in orgasm and I followed her with a grunt.
Pandora squirmed and sighed smugly,
“That was fab” she said
I thought to myself that if it was to be our swan song it wasn’t at all bad.
As it turned out my fears proved to be premature in regard to Pandora as she took me to her bed and kept me there until darkness fell. after which I walked home alone across the golf course unseen.
Burns Night,
Monday, 26 December 2016
An Antidote To Writers Block (Part 55) The Burns Night Supper
On Monday afternoon, my progress was followed every step of the way as I left the leisure center swimming pool complex, by the stern faced female employee who suspected me of having sex in a changing room cubicle.
She didn’t actually accuse me but I knew that she thought it and she was 100 percent correct in her suspicion.
But discretion being the better part of valour I thought it might be wise not to try that again for a while.
Early on Tuesday morning Frankie phoned me to say that she and Maisie would start work on the new path on Thursday but that the materials would be delivered sometime Wednesday afternoon and would I be at home to receive it, I confirmed that I would.
In fact I was going to be home all week and planned to catch up with my salacious writings, as I had some groin tingling research material under my belt.
After lunch however I did have a call from Dr Claire Andrews, asking if I could meet her at the village hall at 2 o’clock.
I would normally develop an immediate semi at the mention of the words “meeting” and “Claire” in the same sentence.
However I knew immediately by the unusual location that this was not a meeting for “Pleasure”.
So I had an early lunch and walked into the village for the appointed time.
As I approached the village hall I saw Claire and her practice manager Olivier Adamson walking through the gate.
Once inside I found the new vicar, Robert Hunter and his girlfriend Tilly Bushe along with several members from the church committee.
Pleasantries were exchanged and Olivier Adamson even smiled at me, it was the type of smile that a baby makes, which you think is cute but it turns out to be wind.
After which the business of the day could commence and given those assembled the only item on the agenda was Katy Oliver.
First of all I informed them that a new front path was being laid that week, it was suggested that it might be widened to accommodate a wheelchair, but I had already thought of that and it was all in hand.
The front door was already wide enough as was the hallway.
The second item discussed were the arrangements for when the medical equipment could be delivered.
Claire and I had provisionally agreed the first Monday in February; she had already done all the preliminary work it was just the final details to be sorted out.
Although I protested, it was decided a couple of volunteers would come and help me clear the lounge in readiness to receive a hospital bed and all its associated paraphernalia.
One area that took up quite some time to sort out was the nursing care.
The dioceses was to provide 24 hour nursing care for the last weeks but not for the whole period required so a Rota of volunteers would be required and someone to Co-ordinate it, the obvious choice for this was clearly Claire but I suggested my Cousin Molly, who worked in Kiddingstone now, to assist.
Equally important as Katy was such a popular person was a visitor’s rota and someone quite strict to administer it, this was a no brainer, so Olivier took this on.
The final item on the agenda was a date for when Katie would leave the Vicarage and take up residence in my house, however short that stay might be.
Katy was keen to do it sooner rather than later and get out of Roberts way.
Robert on the other hand was not eager to hurry her out the door any sooner than was necessary, so we could only narrow it down to the second week of February.
Robert and Tilly both volunteered to help her pack or redistribute her things as per her wishes.
I was keen that she should be able to surround herself with her personal things so I suggested I should make provision for that when preparing the room.
We adjourned the meeting and agreed to meet the same time the following week for a progress report.
Afterwards when almost everyone had left I got a chance to speak with Tilly alone for the first time since before Christmas.
“I have a confession to make,” She said sheepishly.
“What’s that?” I asked
“I haven’t finished your tapes yet” she said and covered her face with her hands.
“Is that all?” I asked
“What? You’re not cross with me?” she said through her fingers
“Of course not” I replied
“But I have no excuse” she admitted “no convoluted set of circumstances that would constitute a noble reason for not doing what I promised”
“You fell in love,” I said simply
“Yes I did” She responded blushing
“Well what better reason is there than that?” I continued
“Not very professional though” Tilly said hanging her head
“Sometimes life just has a habit of getting in the way,” I said philosophically
“I’m so sorry” she said
“Don’t be silly, it’s not important,” I said “just do them when you can”
But she didn’t look convinced
“Look, you’re so lucky, you’ve found love, just be happy”
“I am happy,” she said “and…”
“And what?” I asked
“We’re getting engaged” Tilly told me.
“That’s fantastic,” I said genuinely
“We’re not telling anyone yet” she explained, “we don’t want to upset Katy”
“Why would she be upset?” I asked
“Well I feel guilty enough that she has to give up her home” she said “To tell her about getting engaged feels like rubbing salt in the wound”
“Katy knows that life goes on” I explained, “Tell her, she will be so happy”
After a kiss and a hug we said goodbye and I returned home from the church hall, I phoned Molly and told her what I had volunteered her for.
As I suspected she was only too happy to help and promised to make next week’s meeting,
She also made other promises which I looked forward to her fulfilling, after that I threw myself into my work with relish and wrote well into the night.
On Wednesday I continued my fruitful writing with gusto interrupted only by occasional pangs of hunger and the promised delivery of building supplies Frankie had forewarned me about being deposited on my drive.
Bright and early Thursday morning Maisie knocked on the door.
“Hi Simon” she said brightly “Frankie’s on her way”
“Maisie!! You’re early” I replied
“Yes I know” she said “is the kettle on?”
“It’s not, but come in anyway” I said
As I showed her into the kitchen I thought how confident she was now, with not a hint remaining of that timid creature I caught stealing from my garage.
After making a drink we sat at the kitchen table and chatted for the first time for ages.
India Carrington, her girlfriend, was the main topic of conversation.
It was quite sweet to hear her gushing about the girl she clearly loved.
“India said this” or “India did that” I of course could only picture them doing “this” or “that” to each other.
Which brought a tingle to my trousers and had Frankie not have knocked at the door I might well have taken advantage of the situation and nailed Maisie over the kitchen table, it wouldn’t have been the first time after all.
Anyway it wasn’t to be and the girls set about laying my new front path and I took my tingle into the study and put my dirty thoughts onto paper, or at least the page.
Which is where I stayed for the best part of the day, only stopping to feed and water the girls.
The weather couldn’t have been better for the job in hand and by the end of the day Frankie and Maisie had done really well and had got all the foundation work done.
Because the old stepped path was being replaced by one all on the same level, much of the first day was spent building up the level confined within retaining walls, they worked on until 7.30pm to make sure they completed stage one.
As they had stayed so late I ordered an Indian Takeaway and we sat in my lounge eating off trays on our laps.
Friday began dull and overcast but the sun soon burst through and was perfect for Frankie and Maisie to lay the pavers.
While they toiled outside I made a start packing away the contents of the lounge and apart from providing a regular supply of hot drinks and giving them a hot lunch I worked on the packing all day and the girls pressed on outside.
When I stopped at four o’clock all the pavers were down and Maisie was just hosing off the drive.
So after another successful day all that was needed was for Frankie to return on Saturday morning to apply the finishing touches.
When they had left for the day I carried the boxes of books and ornaments I had packed away through to the garage and then I was just on my way upstairs for a long relaxing bath when there was a knock at the door.
I thought one of the girls must have forgotten something but when I opened the door it was a young man in a smart suit.
“Mr. Fisher?” the young man asked
“Yes” I replied
“Clarion cars” He said and gestured towards the hire car
“Oh yes” I said and picked up the key from the hall table and handed it to him.
After a brief inspection of the vehicle and a signature he drove away.
I resumed my previous course and headed towards my relaxing bath, after which, cleaned and rejuvenated, I went downstairs in my dressing gown and made myself something to eat.
After dinner I decided to open a bottle of wine and put my feet up and watch a DVD.
There were only DVD’s and CD’s left in the lounge and the few remaining books that I deemed fit for a vicar eyes.
I went to the shelf and selected one of my all-time favourite’s “Where Eagles Dare”.
While I was watching TV and struggling to keep my eyes open I suddenly remembered it was Burns Night and Pandora’s blind date with Harry Beaumont.
The Burns Night Supper is normally held on or near the poet, Robert Burn's birthday, 25 January, which this year fell on a Friday.
It was significant as it was not only Pandora’s first blind date ever but it was also her first date of any kind for almost 20 years.
She was understandably nervous about dating again and unsure she wanted a strange man going to her house so she had taken my advice and Pandora was driving to my house where she would leave her car on my drive and then walk next door to Judith’s where Mortimer would pick them both up and take them to the Oak Park Hotel.
I looked at the clock and saw that she would be there in about ten minutes, and Pandora was always punctual, so I thought I ought to put some clothes on.
Right on time Pandora arrived and reversed her Cherokee up the drive.
I watched through the window as she came to a stop, switched off the lights and got out.
I went to the front door and opened it just at the precise moment she reached it.
Pandora was immaculately dressed as usual in a full length green halter necked designer evening dress and a lavish faux fur shrug.
“Wow” I said, “you look stunning”
“Bless you darling” she responded “but I’m scared to death”
She handed me the car keys, in case I needed to move it
“You shouldn’t be Pandy” I reassured her “Harry will trip over his tongue when he sees you”
I slipped on some shoes and said
“Come on gorgeous I’ll escort you to Judith’s door”
She took my arm and as we walked down the new path she turned to me and asked with panic in her voice
“What if he doesn’t like me?”
Then she immediately looked down at the ground, I stopped and placed my hand under her chin and tilted her head up until I could look into her eyes.
“He’s going to love you the moment he sees you” I said to her softly
“I hope so” she replied forlornly
We continued walking and turned to go up to Judith’s door.
I rang the bell and it was opened in moments.
“Hello” Judith said cheerfully
“Hello Jude” Pandora said glumly as she stepped into the house
“Have a great time Pandora” I called after her
Pandora didn’t reply and Judith gave me a look
“Crisis of confidence” I whispered
“Oh I see,” she said sagely
She assured me she would massage her ego and ply her with drink until she cheered up.
We laughed and then I wished her a nice evening and returned home.
Once inside I resumed my seat and refilled my glass.
After taking a mouthful I leant back into the cushions and promptly fell asleep.
I woke up just after eleven o’clock, and I think I only woke up then because I needed a pee.
So I got up and attended to the matter in hand.
When I finished attending to my call of nature I was decidedly peckish so I went to the kitchen and made myself a snack.
Then I returned to my sofa, restarted the movie I began watching four hours earlier and sat eating cheese and biscuits’ as I watched the Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood taking on the Nazis.
At the end of the film I was still wide-awake so I got up and chose another DVD off the shelf.
I was about a quarter of the way through “The Fifth Element” when I detected the telltale clip clop sound of high heels from outside.
I glanced at the clock and thought it must be Judith arriving home from the Supper so I returned my attention to the action.
When a moment later there was a knock on my front door.
I checked the clock again before I got up and walked out into the hall.
I opened the door and a rather tipsy Pandora almost fell through it.
“Hello Simon” she said with a flourish.
“You had a nice time then” I said as I helped her into the house.
“I had a wonderful time” she exclaimed
She tottered a few steps then kicked off her shoes, which made her a little more stable on her feet, and she quickly progressed into the lounge.
All the while talking nine to the dozen about how marvelous the evening was.
So much for the crisis of confidence, little miss insecure was nowhere to be seen.
“So Harry did like you then” I asked as she plopped down on the sofa.
“He did,” she said smiling
“And you like him?” I asked
“Yes” she said coyly
“Good” I said as I sat down next to her
“So what are you doing here then?”
“Well I saw your lights were still on from the taxi and I thought I’d come and tell you all about my evening” she explained.
“Why were you in a taxi?” I asked, “Why didn’t you come home with Judith?”
“Mortimer booked a room for them at the Oak Park as a surprise” Pandora said “very romantic”
“You could have got a room with Harry” I said
“No I couldn’t,” she said indignantly
“What kind of a woman do you think I am? I couldn’t do that on a first date, and I don’t think he could either”
Well I did have some experience of what Pandora was capable of but it would have been ungentlemanly to point it out to her so I just said
“High Wycombe”
“That was different” she said “anyway with you it doesn’t really count because you’re such a tart” and she roared with laughter to such an extent that she ended up collapsing in a heap with her head and shoulders on my lap.
“Harry Beaumont is a gentleman, you’re just my bit of rough” And she disintegrated into laughter again.
“So why didn’t Harry take you home then?” I asked when she had stopped chuckling
“Well he was over the limit and I thought it might be a bit awkward, to have him ride all the way over in the cab and then go all the way back” she explained at length
“And it would have been cruel to tantalize him with my gorgeousness for the whole journey only to dash his hopes”
This bought about another burst of laughter and when she eventually composed herself she was laying at full stretch on her back looking up at me
“Do you still think I’m gorgeous?” she asked, regally draped before me.
“Quite gorgeous” I conceded
“Well quite gorgeous won’t get you a look at the underwear I bought in town the other day” she said
“I bet it does,” I said as I slowly moved my right hand, which had been resting on her chuckling belly, up to caress the roundness of her breast.
“Well maybe” Pandora murmured as she tipped her head back and closed her eyes.
Her breast rose and fell in my hand as she breathed and as I caressed the heaving mound I felt her stiffening nipple beneath the fabric.
I was just about to employ my left hand to fondle her other breast when Pandora lifted her head and reached behind her neck and untied the halter.
And with a brief lick of the lips she returned to her serene reclining.
With my free hand I tugged gently on the halter until both magnificent breasts were fully exposed, topped by her succulent nipples standing proud like dark pink sentinels.
My eager hands grasped greedily at then and kneaded them like warm dough.
Her bottom squirmed discernibly as my fingers traced around her areolas and teased and toyed with her nipples until the stood as stiff as my little finger.
Her breasts were still heaving like two ships caught in an Atlantic swell as my right hand returned to her belly and joined my other hand in pulling the fabric of her dress upwards slowly exposing her black stockinged legs until the bulk of her skirts rested above her knees.
When the hem was in reach I placed my hand on her knee so it could begin its journey under her skirts and up the inside of her thigh.
The rising and falling of her chest increased exponentially with the progress of my hand, as did the licking of her lips.
It excited me very much looking down on her as I played with her body like a musical instrument.
I slowly stroked the inside of her upper thigh, almost reaching the source of her heat and then stroking away from it, repeatedly teasing her and delighting at the reactions on her sweet face.
Until, just at the point when she thought I would stop short again, my fingers reached her groin and the expression on her face was pure joy as my digits traced lightly up to her pubis and down to site of the itch she wanted me to scratch.
Even through her tights and panties the heat of her passion was palpable.
Then as I rubbed her pussy through two layers of material
Pandora suddenly sat bolt upright
“Ok” she said frantically “I’ll let you see my knickers”
Then she reached up and kissed me, she was a great kisser.
The quality of a kiss is difficult to define and it is like many other things of a sexual nature dependent on the perspective of the participants.
With kissing it can be the thickness of the lips, the width of the mouth, the size of the tongue, the size of the oral cavity and the amount of saliva produced.
Pandora scored highly on every criterion for me.
As she kissed me, she pulled herself up so she was seated on my lap,
This allowed my hand, which was still up her skirt, though dormant between her thighs, to make progress into her pants,
Her tights had begun falling down as she squirmed and fidgeted but when she suddenly sat upright the waistband had rolled down off her belly completely.
My hand was very quickly inside her tights and an instant later it was in turn inside the silk of her panties.
It paused momentarily with her public hair beneath my palm and the back of my hand pressed against expensive silk.
“Woarrr” she exclaimed in my face as my fingers slipped into her creamy wetness.
In fact so well primed was she that it was only a matter of minutes before she came and she was again on the move.
This time she scrambled up so she was straddling me I managed to get my hand out of her knickers just in time otherwise she might have broken my wrist.
She was kissing me almost absentminded as she struggled desperately to undo my belt.
I had both hands up her skirt at this point and quickly tugged both knickers and tights off her plump buttocks and even had time for a long appreciative squeeze of each buttock before she finished with my belt and moved onto my fly.
She had now stopped kissing me and was concentrating so intently that she had her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth. So along with her great arse I took matters into my own hands.
I rolled her sideways onto the sofa and swiftly removed her tights and panties then I knelt between her naked legs stroking her thighs while she finished her task on my trousers.
Once she had finished she lay back smugly and watched on, as I stood up and stripped off and with her gaze firmly fixed on my erection she said.
“Now come and enjoy my gorgeousness”
But I knelt down on the floor and as I began kissing her thigh I said
“I want to enjoy your deliciousness first”
“Do that later darling” she urged “I want you now”
I stopped kissing her flesh and looked up at her
“Oh there’s a later is there”? I asked
“There’s going to be a later and twice in the morning if I’m a lucky girl” she replied
So I decided not to give her head and climbed on top of her pausing only a moment to suck on one of her teats.
Then I kissed her as she grasped my cock firmly and guided me between her moist lips.
“Woarrr” she exclaimed in my face again as I penetrated her.
I couldn’t recall at that precise moment the number of lips I’d parted on that sofa but I knew that I wouldn’t forget Pandora’s warm welcoming wetness for a long time.
Pandora dug her heels into the sofa and gripped my buttocks hard; digging her nails into my flesh as she repeatedly pulled me into her hot cunny.
I rested my weight on one arm as I fondled her breast with my free hand and watched the ecstasy etched into her face as she urged me to finish her and in three spine tingling thrusts we both came in noisy unison.
As we lay panting on the sofa still entwined and with me still inside her, Pandora said
“Do I get to stay for later’s?”
“I think you might just about qualify” I replied
So after an appropriate period of recovery and a well-earned drink I took Pandora off to bed and let her take me to paradise.
And as we lay together spent and disgraced I thought to myself
“I’ll have to finish watching that movie tomorrow”
She didn’t actually accuse me but I knew that she thought it and she was 100 percent correct in her suspicion.
But discretion being the better part of valour I thought it might be wise not to try that again for a while.
Early on Tuesday morning Frankie phoned me to say that she and Maisie would start work on the new path on Thursday but that the materials would be delivered sometime Wednesday afternoon and would I be at home to receive it, I confirmed that I would.
In fact I was going to be home all week and planned to catch up with my salacious writings, as I had some groin tingling research material under my belt.
After lunch however I did have a call from Dr Claire Andrews, asking if I could meet her at the village hall at 2 o’clock.
I would normally develop an immediate semi at the mention of the words “meeting” and “Claire” in the same sentence.
However I knew immediately by the unusual location that this was not a meeting for “Pleasure”.
So I had an early lunch and walked into the village for the appointed time.
As I approached the village hall I saw Claire and her practice manager Olivier Adamson walking through the gate.
Once inside I found the new vicar, Robert Hunter and his girlfriend Tilly Bushe along with several members from the church committee.
Pleasantries were exchanged and Olivier Adamson even smiled at me, it was the type of smile that a baby makes, which you think is cute but it turns out to be wind.
After which the business of the day could commence and given those assembled the only item on the agenda was Katy Oliver.
First of all I informed them that a new front path was being laid that week, it was suggested that it might be widened to accommodate a wheelchair, but I had already thought of that and it was all in hand.
The front door was already wide enough as was the hallway.
The second item discussed were the arrangements for when the medical equipment could be delivered.
Claire and I had provisionally agreed the first Monday in February; she had already done all the preliminary work it was just the final details to be sorted out.
Although I protested, it was decided a couple of volunteers would come and help me clear the lounge in readiness to receive a hospital bed and all its associated paraphernalia.
One area that took up quite some time to sort out was the nursing care.
The dioceses was to provide 24 hour nursing care for the last weeks but not for the whole period required so a Rota of volunteers would be required and someone to Co-ordinate it, the obvious choice for this was clearly Claire but I suggested my Cousin Molly, who worked in Kiddingstone now, to assist.
Equally important as Katy was such a popular person was a visitor’s rota and someone quite strict to administer it, this was a no brainer, so Olivier took this on.
The final item on the agenda was a date for when Katie would leave the Vicarage and take up residence in my house, however short that stay might be.
Katy was keen to do it sooner rather than later and get out of Roberts way.
Robert on the other hand was not eager to hurry her out the door any sooner than was necessary, so we could only narrow it down to the second week of February.
Robert and Tilly both volunteered to help her pack or redistribute her things as per her wishes.
I was keen that she should be able to surround herself with her personal things so I suggested I should make provision for that when preparing the room.
We adjourned the meeting and agreed to meet the same time the following week for a progress report.
Afterwards when almost everyone had left I got a chance to speak with Tilly alone for the first time since before Christmas.
“I have a confession to make,” She said sheepishly.
“What’s that?” I asked
“I haven’t finished your tapes yet” she said and covered her face with her hands.
“Is that all?” I asked
“What? You’re not cross with me?” she said through her fingers
“Of course not” I replied
“But I have no excuse” she admitted “no convoluted set of circumstances that would constitute a noble reason for not doing what I promised”
“You fell in love,” I said simply
“Yes I did” She responded blushing
“Well what better reason is there than that?” I continued
“Not very professional though” Tilly said hanging her head
“Sometimes life just has a habit of getting in the way,” I said philosophically
“I’m so sorry” she said
“Don’t be silly, it’s not important,” I said “just do them when you can”
But she didn’t look convinced
“Look, you’re so lucky, you’ve found love, just be happy”
“I am happy,” she said “and…”
“And what?” I asked
“We’re getting engaged” Tilly told me.
“That’s fantastic,” I said genuinely
“We’re not telling anyone yet” she explained, “we don’t want to upset Katy”
“Why would she be upset?” I asked
“Well I feel guilty enough that she has to give up her home” she said “To tell her about getting engaged feels like rubbing salt in the wound”
“Katy knows that life goes on” I explained, “Tell her, she will be so happy”
After a kiss and a hug we said goodbye and I returned home from the church hall, I phoned Molly and told her what I had volunteered her for.
As I suspected she was only too happy to help and promised to make next week’s meeting,
She also made other promises which I looked forward to her fulfilling, after that I threw myself into my work with relish and wrote well into the night.
On Wednesday I continued my fruitful writing with gusto interrupted only by occasional pangs of hunger and the promised delivery of building supplies Frankie had forewarned me about being deposited on my drive.
Bright and early Thursday morning Maisie knocked on the door.
“Hi Simon” she said brightly “Frankie’s on her way”
“Maisie!! You’re early” I replied
“Yes I know” she said “is the kettle on?”
“It’s not, but come in anyway” I said
As I showed her into the kitchen I thought how confident she was now, with not a hint remaining of that timid creature I caught stealing from my garage.
After making a drink we sat at the kitchen table and chatted for the first time for ages.
India Carrington, her girlfriend, was the main topic of conversation.
It was quite sweet to hear her gushing about the girl she clearly loved.
“India said this” or “India did that” I of course could only picture them doing “this” or “that” to each other.
Which brought a tingle to my trousers and had Frankie not have knocked at the door I might well have taken advantage of the situation and nailed Maisie over the kitchen table, it wouldn’t have been the first time after all.
Anyway it wasn’t to be and the girls set about laying my new front path and I took my tingle into the study and put my dirty thoughts onto paper, or at least the page.
Which is where I stayed for the best part of the day, only stopping to feed and water the girls.
The weather couldn’t have been better for the job in hand and by the end of the day Frankie and Maisie had done really well and had got all the foundation work done.
Because the old stepped path was being replaced by one all on the same level, much of the first day was spent building up the level confined within retaining walls, they worked on until 7.30pm to make sure they completed stage one.
As they had stayed so late I ordered an Indian Takeaway and we sat in my lounge eating off trays on our laps.
Friday began dull and overcast but the sun soon burst through and was perfect for Frankie and Maisie to lay the pavers.
While they toiled outside I made a start packing away the contents of the lounge and apart from providing a regular supply of hot drinks and giving them a hot lunch I worked on the packing all day and the girls pressed on outside.
When I stopped at four o’clock all the pavers were down and Maisie was just hosing off the drive.
So after another successful day all that was needed was for Frankie to return on Saturday morning to apply the finishing touches.
When they had left for the day I carried the boxes of books and ornaments I had packed away through to the garage and then I was just on my way upstairs for a long relaxing bath when there was a knock at the door.
I thought one of the girls must have forgotten something but when I opened the door it was a young man in a smart suit.
“Mr. Fisher?” the young man asked
“Yes” I replied
“Clarion cars” He said and gestured towards the hire car
“Oh yes” I said and picked up the key from the hall table and handed it to him.
After a brief inspection of the vehicle and a signature he drove away.
I resumed my previous course and headed towards my relaxing bath, after which, cleaned and rejuvenated, I went downstairs in my dressing gown and made myself something to eat.
After dinner I decided to open a bottle of wine and put my feet up and watch a DVD.
There were only DVD’s and CD’s left in the lounge and the few remaining books that I deemed fit for a vicar eyes.
I went to the shelf and selected one of my all-time favourite’s “Where Eagles Dare”.
While I was watching TV and struggling to keep my eyes open I suddenly remembered it was Burns Night and Pandora’s blind date with Harry Beaumont.
The Burns Night Supper is normally held on or near the poet, Robert Burn's birthday, 25 January, which this year fell on a Friday.
It was significant as it was not only Pandora’s first blind date ever but it was also her first date of any kind for almost 20 years.
She was understandably nervous about dating again and unsure she wanted a strange man going to her house so she had taken my advice and Pandora was driving to my house where she would leave her car on my drive and then walk next door to Judith’s where Mortimer would pick them both up and take them to the Oak Park Hotel.
I looked at the clock and saw that she would be there in about ten minutes, and Pandora was always punctual, so I thought I ought to put some clothes on.
Right on time Pandora arrived and reversed her Cherokee up the drive.
I watched through the window as she came to a stop, switched off the lights and got out.
I went to the front door and opened it just at the precise moment she reached it.
Pandora was immaculately dressed as usual in a full length green halter necked designer evening dress and a lavish faux fur shrug.
“Wow” I said, “you look stunning”
“Bless you darling” she responded “but I’m scared to death”
She handed me the car keys, in case I needed to move it
“You shouldn’t be Pandy” I reassured her “Harry will trip over his tongue when he sees you”
I slipped on some shoes and said
“Come on gorgeous I’ll escort you to Judith’s door”
She took my arm and as we walked down the new path she turned to me and asked with panic in her voice
“What if he doesn’t like me?”
Then she immediately looked down at the ground, I stopped and placed my hand under her chin and tilted her head up until I could look into her eyes.
“He’s going to love you the moment he sees you” I said to her softly
“I hope so” she replied forlornly
We continued walking and turned to go up to Judith’s door.
I rang the bell and it was opened in moments.
“Hello” Judith said cheerfully
“Hello Jude” Pandora said glumly as she stepped into the house
“Have a great time Pandora” I called after her
Pandora didn’t reply and Judith gave me a look
“Crisis of confidence” I whispered
“Oh I see,” she said sagely
She assured me she would massage her ego and ply her with drink until she cheered up.
We laughed and then I wished her a nice evening and returned home.
Once inside I resumed my seat and refilled my glass.
After taking a mouthful I leant back into the cushions and promptly fell asleep.
I woke up just after eleven o’clock, and I think I only woke up then because I needed a pee.
So I got up and attended to the matter in hand.
When I finished attending to my call of nature I was decidedly peckish so I went to the kitchen and made myself a snack.
Then I returned to my sofa, restarted the movie I began watching four hours earlier and sat eating cheese and biscuits’ as I watched the Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood taking on the Nazis.
At the end of the film I was still wide-awake so I got up and chose another DVD off the shelf.
I was about a quarter of the way through “The Fifth Element” when I detected the telltale clip clop sound of high heels from outside.
I glanced at the clock and thought it must be Judith arriving home from the Supper so I returned my attention to the action.
When a moment later there was a knock on my front door.
I checked the clock again before I got up and walked out into the hall.
I opened the door and a rather tipsy Pandora almost fell through it.
“Hello Simon” she said with a flourish.
“You had a nice time then” I said as I helped her into the house.
“I had a wonderful time” she exclaimed
She tottered a few steps then kicked off her shoes, which made her a little more stable on her feet, and she quickly progressed into the lounge.
All the while talking nine to the dozen about how marvelous the evening was.
So much for the crisis of confidence, little miss insecure was nowhere to be seen.
“So Harry did like you then” I asked as she plopped down on the sofa.
“He did,” she said smiling
“And you like him?” I asked
“Yes” she said coyly
“Good” I said as I sat down next to her
“So what are you doing here then?”
“Well I saw your lights were still on from the taxi and I thought I’d come and tell you all about my evening” she explained.
“Why were you in a taxi?” I asked, “Why didn’t you come home with Judith?”
“Mortimer booked a room for them at the Oak Park as a surprise” Pandora said “very romantic”
“You could have got a room with Harry” I said
“No I couldn’t,” she said indignantly
“What kind of a woman do you think I am? I couldn’t do that on a first date, and I don’t think he could either”
Well I did have some experience of what Pandora was capable of but it would have been ungentlemanly to point it out to her so I just said
“High Wycombe”
“That was different” she said “anyway with you it doesn’t really count because you’re such a tart” and she roared with laughter to such an extent that she ended up collapsing in a heap with her head and shoulders on my lap.
“Harry Beaumont is a gentleman, you’re just my bit of rough” And she disintegrated into laughter again.
“So why didn’t Harry take you home then?” I asked when she had stopped chuckling
“Well he was over the limit and I thought it might be a bit awkward, to have him ride all the way over in the cab and then go all the way back” she explained at length
“And it would have been cruel to tantalize him with my gorgeousness for the whole journey only to dash his hopes”
This bought about another burst of laughter and when she eventually composed herself she was laying at full stretch on her back looking up at me
“Do you still think I’m gorgeous?” she asked, regally draped before me.
“Quite gorgeous” I conceded
“Well quite gorgeous won’t get you a look at the underwear I bought in town the other day” she said
“I bet it does,” I said as I slowly moved my right hand, which had been resting on her chuckling belly, up to caress the roundness of her breast.
“Well maybe” Pandora murmured as she tipped her head back and closed her eyes.
Her breast rose and fell in my hand as she breathed and as I caressed the heaving mound I felt her stiffening nipple beneath the fabric.
I was just about to employ my left hand to fondle her other breast when Pandora lifted her head and reached behind her neck and untied the halter.
And with a brief lick of the lips she returned to her serene reclining.
With my free hand I tugged gently on the halter until both magnificent breasts were fully exposed, topped by her succulent nipples standing proud like dark pink sentinels.
My eager hands grasped greedily at then and kneaded them like warm dough.
Her bottom squirmed discernibly as my fingers traced around her areolas and teased and toyed with her nipples until the stood as stiff as my little finger.
Her breasts were still heaving like two ships caught in an Atlantic swell as my right hand returned to her belly and joined my other hand in pulling the fabric of her dress upwards slowly exposing her black stockinged legs until the bulk of her skirts rested above her knees.
When the hem was in reach I placed my hand on her knee so it could begin its journey under her skirts and up the inside of her thigh.
The rising and falling of her chest increased exponentially with the progress of my hand, as did the licking of her lips.
It excited me very much looking down on her as I played with her body like a musical instrument.
I slowly stroked the inside of her upper thigh, almost reaching the source of her heat and then stroking away from it, repeatedly teasing her and delighting at the reactions on her sweet face.
Until, just at the point when she thought I would stop short again, my fingers reached her groin and the expression on her face was pure joy as my digits traced lightly up to her pubis and down to site of the itch she wanted me to scratch.
Even through her tights and panties the heat of her passion was palpable.
Then as I rubbed her pussy through two layers of material
Pandora suddenly sat bolt upright
“Ok” she said frantically “I’ll let you see my knickers”
Then she reached up and kissed me, she was a great kisser.
The quality of a kiss is difficult to define and it is like many other things of a sexual nature dependent on the perspective of the participants.
With kissing it can be the thickness of the lips, the width of the mouth, the size of the tongue, the size of the oral cavity and the amount of saliva produced.
Pandora scored highly on every criterion for me.
As she kissed me, she pulled herself up so she was seated on my lap,
This allowed my hand, which was still up her skirt, though dormant between her thighs, to make progress into her pants,
Her tights had begun falling down as she squirmed and fidgeted but when she suddenly sat upright the waistband had rolled down off her belly completely.
My hand was very quickly inside her tights and an instant later it was in turn inside the silk of her panties.
It paused momentarily with her public hair beneath my palm and the back of my hand pressed against expensive silk.
“Woarrr” she exclaimed in my face as my fingers slipped into her creamy wetness.
In fact so well primed was she that it was only a matter of minutes before she came and she was again on the move.
This time she scrambled up so she was straddling me I managed to get my hand out of her knickers just in time otherwise she might have broken my wrist.
She was kissing me almost absentminded as she struggled desperately to undo my belt.
I had both hands up her skirt at this point and quickly tugged both knickers and tights off her plump buttocks and even had time for a long appreciative squeeze of each buttock before she finished with my belt and moved onto my fly.
She had now stopped kissing me and was concentrating so intently that she had her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth. So along with her great arse I took matters into my own hands.
I rolled her sideways onto the sofa and swiftly removed her tights and panties then I knelt between her naked legs stroking her thighs while she finished her task on my trousers.
Once she had finished she lay back smugly and watched on, as I stood up and stripped off and with her gaze firmly fixed on my erection she said.
“Now come and enjoy my gorgeousness”
But I knelt down on the floor and as I began kissing her thigh I said
“I want to enjoy your deliciousness first”
“Do that later darling” she urged “I want you now”
I stopped kissing her flesh and looked up at her
“Oh there’s a later is there”? I asked
“There’s going to be a later and twice in the morning if I’m a lucky girl” she replied
So I decided not to give her head and climbed on top of her pausing only a moment to suck on one of her teats.
Then I kissed her as she grasped my cock firmly and guided me between her moist lips.
“Woarrr” she exclaimed in my face again as I penetrated her.
I couldn’t recall at that precise moment the number of lips I’d parted on that sofa but I knew that I wouldn’t forget Pandora’s warm welcoming wetness for a long time.
Pandora dug her heels into the sofa and gripped my buttocks hard; digging her nails into my flesh as she repeatedly pulled me into her hot cunny.
I rested my weight on one arm as I fondled her breast with my free hand and watched the ecstasy etched into her face as she urged me to finish her and in three spine tingling thrusts we both came in noisy unison.
As we lay panting on the sofa still entwined and with me still inside her, Pandora said
“Do I get to stay for later’s?”
“I think you might just about qualify” I replied
So after an appropriate period of recovery and a well-earned drink I took Pandora off to bed and let her take me to paradise.
And as we lay together spent and disgraced I thought to myself
“I’ll have to finish watching that movie tomorrow”
Burns Night,
Sunday, 25 December 2016
An Antidote To Writers Block (Part 54) Sport And Leisure
After making sweet tender love on a cold winter afternoon to Claire and I could regrettably only dwell briefly in the afterglow as we had a difficult yet pressing task to undertake.
So after redressing for the second time that day we left the house and drove the short distance to the vicarage as the snow lightly fell again.
We had a long, emotional and at times tearful visit with Katy.
But by the end of it we had managed to persuade her to accept my offer and move into my house as soon as all the arrangements could be made.
We left the vicarage emotionally drained and physically exhausted but nonetheless elated at having achieved our objective.
I declined Claire’s offer to drop me at home as I needed some essentials from Mahajak’s.
“Well I need to get to bed” Claire said and yawned
“What again?” I asked
“Yes” she replied “but not for that”
Claire blushed and got in the car then she said
“I’ll call you”
“Ok hon” I almost responded but substituted “doc” in place of “hon” just in time.
I then walked across to Mahajak’s; I didn’t need much just bread and milk mainly but by the time I had wandered around the shop I had a basket full.
When I got to the counter there was no one serving but I could hear Shula and Anjuli talking beyond the bead curtain.
“Maisie said she can work all day on Monday if we need her” Anjuli Said
“Really Aunty?” Shula asked, “So we can go?”
“Yes all afternoon if you like Shushu” she replied
“I have really missed swimming” Shula said excitedly and then suddenly appeared through the curtains
“Oh” she said on seeing me and as was her habit she blushed. “Hello Simon I didn’t know you were there”
“Hello Shula” I said, “How are you?”
“I’m fine” she replied
And as she handed me my bag of groceries I squeezed her hand and she giggled and as I gave her the money she squeezed mine back.
Then I smiled and said
“I hope you enjoy your swim on Monday” and Shula blushed again.
Then in a quieter voice I continued
“I have fond memories of the swimming baths and in particular the changing rooms”
And she dropped the money I had just given her.
As I was approaching my house a car pulled up outside Judith’s house and a distinguished looking gentleman got out of the driver’s side and hurried round to open the passenger door.
He then proffered his hand to the passenger who took it without a second thought and he helped the lady out of the car.
The lady in question turned out to Judith who gave me a wave and a smile when she eventually took her eyes off her escort.
“Hi Judith” I called
“Simon are you all right?” she asked with concern “We heard about your accident”
“I’m fine thanks” I answered, “I just had mild exposure”
“Oh? And what were you exposing?” she asked with a laugh
“Nothing at all” I said and glanced in the direction of her escort
“Oh how rude” she said “Simon this is Mortimer Beaumont”
“Mortimer this is my friend and neighbour Simon Fisher”
“Nice to meet you Mortimer” I said and shook his hand
“You too Simon, but please call me Morty”
“Beaumont?” I exclaimed, “Are you any relation to Harry?”
“Yes” Morty said, “He’s my baby brother”
“Really? He was over here this morning; he got me in when I was locked out”
I said
“Harry’s like that” he said proudly
“Well it was nice meeting you,” I said
“Likewise” he concurred and we shook hands again
Judith and I said our goodbyes and I watched her and her new man Mortimer walk up the path and I surmised by the spring in Judith’s step she was obviously getting mortified on a regular basis.
When I got to my front door I realized I’d made a real mess of my front step.
There were bits of broken pixie everywhere and I had broken the corner off one slab and cracked another, I would have to ask Frankie to replace it.
It had to be up to snuff with all the comings and goings of the next few months.
When I got inside I phoned Frankie straight away but only got her voice mail so I left her a message asking her to come and quote for some hard landscaping work.
I replaced the phone on the cradle and went outside to sweep the debris off the step and path, after which I made myself some food; I was starving, so I made a delicious Spanish omelet.
An hour after that I went to bed and woke at 10 o’clock next day.
When I went downstairs the next morning I noticed something on the doormat and when I went to investigate I discovered it was a car key on a fob.
It appeared that although I hadn’t requested one the Hire Company had dropped off a replacement car.
I phoned them immediately to say that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding but it turned out that there was not.
As I was supplied with an un-roadworthy vehicle at the airport I was to have one-week free hire courtesy of Clarion Cars.
I thanked them very much and assumed that Alan Richards, the good Doctor Andrews Mechanic patient, had given Clarion an unfavorable report on the cars condition and that the accident was due to mechanical failure and not, as was the fact, due to my inadequacy as an all-weather driver.
I had no particular need of it as I wasn’t planning on leaving the house all of Saturday and I was only going to church on Sunday But in the spirit of not looking a gift horse in the mouth I thought I might get some use out of it the following week.
I had such a lazy day on Saturday that I didn’t even bother to get dressed and the most strenuous thing I did was put a frozen dinner in the microwave.
I did however take a phone call or two, one of which was from Frankie Carpenter in response to the voice mail I left her the day before.
“Hi Frankie” I said, “thanks for ringing back”
“Hello Simon” she responded, “I got your message, I trust “Hard Landscaping” isn’t a euphemism for one of your perversions”
“No its not” I said laughing “I need you to and give me a quote for a new front path and doorstep”
“I can come on Monday morning as long as it doesn’t involve you grabbing my Charlie’s,” she said
“Don’t kid a kidder Frankie” I replied “you love it when I have a grab for your Norks”
“I don’t know what you mean” she replied innocently and laughed before she asked
“Why do you want a new path anyway?”
I explained the events leading up to the point when I did the damage including how close I came to dying from exposure and she laughed again, heartless cow.
The other phone call was from Claire, which was much longer in duration than the previous one due to the subject matter, namely the arrangements for Katy Oliver’s palliative care.
Part of the discussion was making the arrangements for when the medical equipment could be delivered.
We provisionally settled on the first Monday in February, Claire would take care of all the details and all I had to do was ensure the lounge was sufficiently de-cluttered to receive an hospital bed and all its associated paraphernalia.
By the evening I was exhausted again and I was about to go to bed when I suddenly remembered I hadn’t Skyped Georgia.
So I thought I had better do that first.
During the course of the conversation I told her of my adventures in the snow and my subsequent life threatening exposure.
“Mild exposure” she corrected me “mum told me earlier”
“How did she know?” I asked
“It’s all round the village” she replied
I hoped the way Claire brought my stricken manhood back to life wasn’t all round the village.
I finally got to bed an hour later than I had wanted too because of my call to Georgie and considering the total lack of sympathy I got after my perilous tale I wished I hadn’t bothered.
I awoke on Sunday morning to find the thaw had set in and the snow was clearing away.
As it was the Sunday after my near death experience I thought it best to reacquaint myself with the lord.
So I left home early on a bright winter morning and walked alone to the Church, it was a mild morning but the atmosphere was rather frosty, there were lots of hushed whispers and sideways looks, people talking behind hands and the like so by the time I was seated in the church I was not feeling the love after the very unchristian behaviour.
It was only when Judith and Victoria arrived that someone actually spoke to me.
“Morning Simon” they chorused
“Hi girls” I said “you’re talking to me then?”
“Oh don’t mind those small minded morons,” Victoria said giving the rubber Neckers one of her looks.
After the service Tilly and Robert came and spoke to me at the back of the church, it was the first time I’d seen Tilly for a few weeks and she looked wonderful.
It really warmed my heart to see the two of them together.
As the minutes passed by more and more of the congregation came and shook my hand or gave me a smile.
By the end there was just the hard core of village bitches who stood their ground and looked daggers at me.
On Monday morning Frankie came over to quote me on the new path and step.
She said she would phone me with a price but said that she was quite busy and wasn’t sure when she would be able to fit it in
I then explained why I needed it doing sooner and she said not to worry she would rearrange the diary.
Afterwards I drove into Kiddingstone to do a bit of shopping which was when I bumped into Pandora coming out of a very expensive lingerie shop
“Hello darling” she said and air kissed me.
Then she spotted me looking at the designer carrier bag she was carrying.
“No you can’t look at them” she replied to my unasked question
“Ok I don’t mind seeing them on if you insist” I offered
“You’re incorrigible,” she said
“Is that a maybe”? I asked
Unmoved she shook her head disappointedly.
“You still owe me a pair,” she said quietly
“Yes” I agreed “they’re in my desk drawer”
“I’m surprised you haven’t mounted them under glass as a trophy” Pandy said
“That’s an idea,” I said
“Don’t you dare?” she said laughing “have you got time for a coffee?”
“I do” I replied
We went into a coffee house, a nice one, not one of the chains; I ordered the drinks as Pandora sat in the corner.
When I joined her Pandy said
“Tongues have been wagging about the length of time the good Doctor Andrews spent in your house on Friday afternoon”
After a brief pause she continued.
“Until it immerged that you had been discussing the Vicars Palliative care arrangements”
“People have nasty minds” I responded
“People know your reputation” Pandora corrected me
“And she’s a good looking woman, if I were a man I certainly would”
“Pandora?” I Said shocked
We both laughed.
“That’s an amazing thing you’re doing by the way?” she said
“Not really” I replied
I quickly looked around for something to change the subject and I spotted a poster on the wall for the Burns Night Supper at the Oak Park Hotel and asked her, gesturing towards the poster.
“Are you going?”
“No” she said
“Why not?” I asked, “That’s your kind of thing isn’t it?”
“It is yes” she replied “but I don’t want to go on my own”
I looked at her with puzzlement and then said
“Why not? You’re not exactly shy”
This made her blush and avert her gaze after a few moments she looked back at me.
“I know Graham was a useless husband who abandoned me for his cronies the moment we’d get through the door of any event but at least he was an arm to hold on to” she said “so no escort, no supper”
“Well I would offer myself, but as much as I love you, I can’t abide haggis, and bagpipes are too much to endure even for an evening in your delightful company.
We both laughed again before she said.
“Judith’s new man Mortimer suggested his brother as an escort”
“Really? I’ve met him” I said brightly “he’s very nice”
“Yes” Pandora replied, “I like Mortimer”
“Yes so do I, but what I meant was that I’d met his brother, Harry” I responded
“That’s as maybe but...” she left the sentence unfinished
“But what?” I asked
“I’m a bit old for blind dates” she replied “And I haven’t been on a date of any kind for so many years”
“Is that all that’s holding you back?” I asked
“And I’m not sure I want a stranger knowing where I live” she admitted.
We sat quietly for a few moments drinking our coffee when a thought occurred to me and I said
“There is a solution you know”
“What’s that?” she asked vaguely
“Well if you don’t want him to pick you up at your house you could always go with Judith and Mortimer and meet Harry at the Supper”
Pandora didn’t speak but was considering the merits of my suggestion in silence so I pressed on
“You can get a cab to Judith’s, or you can drive there and leave your car on my drive and pick it up the next day if all goes well”
“Do you think I should?” she asked earnestly
“Yes I do” I replied
When we left the coffee house we air kissed and went our separate ways.
My way took me back to the car park where I deposited my purchases and drove to the leisure center Swimming pool for a bit of sport.
I parked the car and carrying my bag I got to the front entrance just in time to see Shula and Anjuli walk through the changing room door.
I paid at the kiosk and proceeded to the changing rooms myself.
It was a very modern facility with modern unisex changing rooms with two long rows of cubicles’ flanked by lockers.
I liked the idea that when I was in a cubicle drying my tackle there was only an inch of MDF separating me from some naked lass drying her young fanny.
I selected a cubicle at the far end of the row and quickly got undressed and wrapped my towel around my naked lower half; I then waited until I heard the familiar voices and I didn’t have to wait for long.
The first one was almost outside my cubicle door
“Come on Shushu” Aunt Anjuli called. “You always take so long”
The other voice was the shopkeeper’s horny wife Shula
“I’m nearly ready Aunty; you go on and I will catch you up” Said Shula
The anticipation was making me quite hard knowing Shula was only a few yards away from me wearing only a swimsuit.
It wasn’t just the anticipation of course I had once had a sexual encounter with her in a cubicle the precious summer.
But whether it was anticipation or a sensual recollection it left a bulge in the front of my towel.
“Ok I will see you in a minute” Anjuli said moving away.
I left it for a moment or two, listening intently to see if I could detect any movement and when I thought I could hear her close the locker door and pad along the tiled floor I open my door and found I had timed it to perfection as Shula was right there wearing a black one piece swimsuit and clutching a towel.
“Hello Shushu” I said wearing only a towel.
“Oh Simon” she said, but not flustered as she had been the last time, and her eyes went straight to my bulge.
“I’m glad I bumped into you,” I said
“Me too” she said and before I had time to cast an appreciative eye over her swim-suited figure, she pushed me back in the cubicle and closed the door.
Then she took the initiative and pulled down the front of her costume and uncovered her cute titties, before releasing my towel and roughly grasping my cock.
This was a surprising turn of events, she had decided to take full advantage of our meeting and I had no intention of preventing her.
So I feasted my eyes on her two beautiful chocolate confections on full display, which she made no move to cover up.
“So what do you want to do now?” I asked as she tugged on me.
She let go of my erection long enough to completely remove her costume.
“Everything” she replied and took hold of me again.
“Are you sure?” I asked her
“Oh yes Simon” she replied and kissed me.
“Auntie will wonder where you are,” I said feebly
She ignored me and kissed me again so I couldn’t speak again.
The moment our lips touched she locked onto my mouth like a limpet while she still had a meaningful grip on my cock and then she hooked her other arm around my neck in a vice like grip.
It was a warm liquid kiss with hot tongues of passion.
My hands caressed up and down her skinny frame repeatedly ending up on her tight little buttocks until she pushed me backwards so I had to sit down on the little bench.
Shula was above me, kissing down into my mouth, her tongue like a striking serpent in and out of me, lips still locked limpet like on mine, nostrils snorting in air.
My hands continued their travels up and down her rear aspect but I knew all the interesting stuff was at the front of the property so I steered her skinny frame until it was in a position where I could sit her down on my lap.
At the moment her bony little arse made contact with my lap our mouths disengaged briefly and she gave me a toothy smile and locked onto me again.
I now had one arm around her shoulder and the opposite hand on her waist, which I slid slowly up to, cup her breast; she drew in a sharp sighing breath through her nose as I fondled her breast.
I fondled her plump little tittie for a few minutes, which was nice but I wanted more.
Wrapping her arms around me Shula stopped kissing me and buried her face in my neck.
I stopped playing with her hardening nipple and moved my playful hand down across her belly and her thighs sprang open as my fingers reached the coarse hair of her Minge.
They briefly dallied on her prominent mound and then slipped into the abyss of her hot, creamy cunny and she let out a little “Hmmm” of pleasure at my touch.
Her face was buried deep in the crook of my neck to stifle any further exclamation, of which there were many as I stroked her gorgeous wet pussy until she came; her thigh’s closing on my hand at the point of climax trapping my fingers between her lips.
But before I had time to consider my next move Shula was up off my lap in a flash, and pausing only to pick up her costume, bent over on the bench opposite me.
Her moist pink pussy open like a clamshell before my lustful gaze.
She turned and looked over her shoulder wide-eyed and expectant.
I’m sure she would have smiled at me as well but the parts of her swimsuit that she wasn’t biting on obscured her mouth.
I stood up and approached her but she was stooped over too low for me to penetrate her immediately so I reached my left hand across her soft belly and gripped her right hip firmly.
She was breathing through her nose in quick short snorts as I lifted her skinny frame off the ground.
Bringing her inviting pink pussy up to cock height and still gripping her tightly with my left arm I used my right hand to hold my shaft and I introduced my swollen cock to her waiting cunny.
She moaned though her gag as I penetrated her.
I continued to support her weight with my left arm wrapped around her middle but Shula obviously felt insecure with her feet off the ground so planted then firmly on the bench, this enabled her to scrabble her hands up the wall until they grasped the coat hooks this gave her some purchase and enabled her to thrust her juicy lips onto me.
She began moaning uncontrollably as she pumped her pussy on me.
Her tits were jiggling with an equal lack of control until I took them in hand.
Shula was pumping up and down so fast that one of the coat hooks came away in her hand, but without breaking rhythm she dropped it on the bench with a thump and grabbed the next hook along.
She was truly relishing her task as she pumped down on me again and again and with every deep penetration she let out a grunt.
I could feel myself on the threshold now and I knew from experience that Shula was almost there too as her head was rolling wildly from side to side until she thrust down on my cock one more time and let out a long muffled moan as she went rigid and came as I finished inside her.
We stayed in that position for several minutes; me stood like an American quarter back preparing to receive the ball and Shula squatting down on me.
We were both breathing hard and sweating in the warm chlorine scented air.
Shula was the first to move as she pulled her gag from her mouth.
“God I love swimming” she panted.
“Me too” I said as I pulled slowly out of her causing her to let out a long sigh of satisfaction.
We sat on the bench awhile gathering ourselves then Shula put her costume back on, as I watched libidinously while she redressed her lovely titties before I got dressed in my street clothes, I didn’t bother with a swim I had already had what I came for.
So had Shula for that matter but she was anxious to go and find Aunt Anjuli, who was bound to be wondering where she had got to.
So we shared a soft and gentle, affectionate farewell kiss before I opened the door and she went in search of Anjuli.
I went in the opposite direction and I came under the steely gaze of a rather stern looking member of staff.
A young woman who would otherwise have been quite shaggable, if she hadn’t been wearing such a sour expression,
I think she clearly knew what I had been doing and didn’t like it a bit.
So after redressing for the second time that day we left the house and drove the short distance to the vicarage as the snow lightly fell again.
We had a long, emotional and at times tearful visit with Katy.
But by the end of it we had managed to persuade her to accept my offer and move into my house as soon as all the arrangements could be made.
We left the vicarage emotionally drained and physically exhausted but nonetheless elated at having achieved our objective.
I declined Claire’s offer to drop me at home as I needed some essentials from Mahajak’s.
“Well I need to get to bed” Claire said and yawned
“What again?” I asked
“Yes” she replied “but not for that”
Claire blushed and got in the car then she said
“I’ll call you”
“Ok hon” I almost responded but substituted “doc” in place of “hon” just in time.
I then walked across to Mahajak’s; I didn’t need much just bread and milk mainly but by the time I had wandered around the shop I had a basket full.
When I got to the counter there was no one serving but I could hear Shula and Anjuli talking beyond the bead curtain.
“Maisie said she can work all day on Monday if we need her” Anjuli Said
“Really Aunty?” Shula asked, “So we can go?”
“Yes all afternoon if you like Shushu” she replied
“I have really missed swimming” Shula said excitedly and then suddenly appeared through the curtains
“Oh” she said on seeing me and as was her habit she blushed. “Hello Simon I didn’t know you were there”
“Hello Shula” I said, “How are you?”
“I’m fine” she replied
And as she handed me my bag of groceries I squeezed her hand and she giggled and as I gave her the money she squeezed mine back.
Then I smiled and said
“I hope you enjoy your swim on Monday” and Shula blushed again.
Then in a quieter voice I continued
“I have fond memories of the swimming baths and in particular the changing rooms”
And she dropped the money I had just given her.
As I was approaching my house a car pulled up outside Judith’s house and a distinguished looking gentleman got out of the driver’s side and hurried round to open the passenger door.
He then proffered his hand to the passenger who took it without a second thought and he helped the lady out of the car.
The lady in question turned out to Judith who gave me a wave and a smile when she eventually took her eyes off her escort.
“Hi Judith” I called
“Simon are you all right?” she asked with concern “We heard about your accident”
“I’m fine thanks” I answered, “I just had mild exposure”
“Oh? And what were you exposing?” she asked with a laugh
“Nothing at all” I said and glanced in the direction of her escort
“Oh how rude” she said “Simon this is Mortimer Beaumont”
“Mortimer this is my friend and neighbour Simon Fisher”
“Nice to meet you Mortimer” I said and shook his hand
“You too Simon, but please call me Morty”
“Beaumont?” I exclaimed, “Are you any relation to Harry?”
“Yes” Morty said, “He’s my baby brother”
“Really? He was over here this morning; he got me in when I was locked out”
I said
“Harry’s like that” he said proudly
“Well it was nice meeting you,” I said
“Likewise” he concurred and we shook hands again
Judith and I said our goodbyes and I watched her and her new man Mortimer walk up the path and I surmised by the spring in Judith’s step she was obviously getting mortified on a regular basis.
When I got to my front door I realized I’d made a real mess of my front step.
There were bits of broken pixie everywhere and I had broken the corner off one slab and cracked another, I would have to ask Frankie to replace it.
It had to be up to snuff with all the comings and goings of the next few months.
When I got inside I phoned Frankie straight away but only got her voice mail so I left her a message asking her to come and quote for some hard landscaping work.
I replaced the phone on the cradle and went outside to sweep the debris off the step and path, after which I made myself some food; I was starving, so I made a delicious Spanish omelet.
An hour after that I went to bed and woke at 10 o’clock next day.
When I went downstairs the next morning I noticed something on the doormat and when I went to investigate I discovered it was a car key on a fob.
It appeared that although I hadn’t requested one the Hire Company had dropped off a replacement car.
I phoned them immediately to say that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding but it turned out that there was not.
As I was supplied with an un-roadworthy vehicle at the airport I was to have one-week free hire courtesy of Clarion Cars.
I thanked them very much and assumed that Alan Richards, the good Doctor Andrews Mechanic patient, had given Clarion an unfavorable report on the cars condition and that the accident was due to mechanical failure and not, as was the fact, due to my inadequacy as an all-weather driver.
I had no particular need of it as I wasn’t planning on leaving the house all of Saturday and I was only going to church on Sunday But in the spirit of not looking a gift horse in the mouth I thought I might get some use out of it the following week.
I had such a lazy day on Saturday that I didn’t even bother to get dressed and the most strenuous thing I did was put a frozen dinner in the microwave.
I did however take a phone call or two, one of which was from Frankie Carpenter in response to the voice mail I left her the day before.
“Hi Frankie” I said, “thanks for ringing back”
“Hello Simon” she responded, “I got your message, I trust “Hard Landscaping” isn’t a euphemism for one of your perversions”
“No its not” I said laughing “I need you to and give me a quote for a new front path and doorstep”
“I can come on Monday morning as long as it doesn’t involve you grabbing my Charlie’s,” she said
“Don’t kid a kidder Frankie” I replied “you love it when I have a grab for your Norks”
“I don’t know what you mean” she replied innocently and laughed before she asked
“Why do you want a new path anyway?”
I explained the events leading up to the point when I did the damage including how close I came to dying from exposure and she laughed again, heartless cow.
The other phone call was from Claire, which was much longer in duration than the previous one due to the subject matter, namely the arrangements for Katy Oliver’s palliative care.
Part of the discussion was making the arrangements for when the medical equipment could be delivered.
We provisionally settled on the first Monday in February, Claire would take care of all the details and all I had to do was ensure the lounge was sufficiently de-cluttered to receive an hospital bed and all its associated paraphernalia.
By the evening I was exhausted again and I was about to go to bed when I suddenly remembered I hadn’t Skyped Georgia.
So I thought I had better do that first.
During the course of the conversation I told her of my adventures in the snow and my subsequent life threatening exposure.
“Mild exposure” she corrected me “mum told me earlier”
“How did she know?” I asked
“It’s all round the village” she replied
I hoped the way Claire brought my stricken manhood back to life wasn’t all round the village.
I finally got to bed an hour later than I had wanted too because of my call to Georgie and considering the total lack of sympathy I got after my perilous tale I wished I hadn’t bothered.
I awoke on Sunday morning to find the thaw had set in and the snow was clearing away.
As it was the Sunday after my near death experience I thought it best to reacquaint myself with the lord.
So I left home early on a bright winter morning and walked alone to the Church, it was a mild morning but the atmosphere was rather frosty, there were lots of hushed whispers and sideways looks, people talking behind hands and the like so by the time I was seated in the church I was not feeling the love after the very unchristian behaviour.
It was only when Judith and Victoria arrived that someone actually spoke to me.
“Morning Simon” they chorused
“Hi girls” I said “you’re talking to me then?”
“Oh don’t mind those small minded morons,” Victoria said giving the rubber Neckers one of her looks.
After the service Tilly and Robert came and spoke to me at the back of the church, it was the first time I’d seen Tilly for a few weeks and she looked wonderful.
It really warmed my heart to see the two of them together.
As the minutes passed by more and more of the congregation came and shook my hand or gave me a smile.
By the end there was just the hard core of village bitches who stood their ground and looked daggers at me.
On Monday morning Frankie came over to quote me on the new path and step.
She said she would phone me with a price but said that she was quite busy and wasn’t sure when she would be able to fit it in
I then explained why I needed it doing sooner and she said not to worry she would rearrange the diary.
Afterwards I drove into Kiddingstone to do a bit of shopping which was when I bumped into Pandora coming out of a very expensive lingerie shop
“Hello darling” she said and air kissed me.
Then she spotted me looking at the designer carrier bag she was carrying.
“No you can’t look at them” she replied to my unasked question
“Ok I don’t mind seeing them on if you insist” I offered
“You’re incorrigible,” she said
“Is that a maybe”? I asked
Unmoved she shook her head disappointedly.
“You still owe me a pair,” she said quietly
“Yes” I agreed “they’re in my desk drawer”
“I’m surprised you haven’t mounted them under glass as a trophy” Pandy said
“That’s an idea,” I said
“Don’t you dare?” she said laughing “have you got time for a coffee?”
“I do” I replied
We went into a coffee house, a nice one, not one of the chains; I ordered the drinks as Pandora sat in the corner.
When I joined her Pandy said
“Tongues have been wagging about the length of time the good Doctor Andrews spent in your house on Friday afternoon”
After a brief pause she continued.
“Until it immerged that you had been discussing the Vicars Palliative care arrangements”
“People have nasty minds” I responded
“People know your reputation” Pandora corrected me
“And she’s a good looking woman, if I were a man I certainly would”
“Pandora?” I Said shocked
We both laughed.
“That’s an amazing thing you’re doing by the way?” she said
“Not really” I replied
I quickly looked around for something to change the subject and I spotted a poster on the wall for the Burns Night Supper at the Oak Park Hotel and asked her, gesturing towards the poster.
“Are you going?”
“No” she said
“Why not?” I asked, “That’s your kind of thing isn’t it?”
“It is yes” she replied “but I don’t want to go on my own”
I looked at her with puzzlement and then said
“Why not? You’re not exactly shy”
This made her blush and avert her gaze after a few moments she looked back at me.
“I know Graham was a useless husband who abandoned me for his cronies the moment we’d get through the door of any event but at least he was an arm to hold on to” she said “so no escort, no supper”
“Well I would offer myself, but as much as I love you, I can’t abide haggis, and bagpipes are too much to endure even for an evening in your delightful company.
We both laughed again before she said.
“Judith’s new man Mortimer suggested his brother as an escort”
“Really? I’ve met him” I said brightly “he’s very nice”
“Yes” Pandora replied, “I like Mortimer”
“Yes so do I, but what I meant was that I’d met his brother, Harry” I responded
“That’s as maybe but...” she left the sentence unfinished
“But what?” I asked
“I’m a bit old for blind dates” she replied “And I haven’t been on a date of any kind for so many years”
“Is that all that’s holding you back?” I asked
“And I’m not sure I want a stranger knowing where I live” she admitted.
We sat quietly for a few moments drinking our coffee when a thought occurred to me and I said
“There is a solution you know”
“What’s that?” she asked vaguely
“Well if you don’t want him to pick you up at your house you could always go with Judith and Mortimer and meet Harry at the Supper”
Pandora didn’t speak but was considering the merits of my suggestion in silence so I pressed on
“You can get a cab to Judith’s, or you can drive there and leave your car on my drive and pick it up the next day if all goes well”
“Do you think I should?” she asked earnestly
“Yes I do” I replied
When we left the coffee house we air kissed and went our separate ways.
My way took me back to the car park where I deposited my purchases and drove to the leisure center Swimming pool for a bit of sport.
I parked the car and carrying my bag I got to the front entrance just in time to see Shula and Anjuli walk through the changing room door.
I paid at the kiosk and proceeded to the changing rooms myself.
It was a very modern facility with modern unisex changing rooms with two long rows of cubicles’ flanked by lockers.
I liked the idea that when I was in a cubicle drying my tackle there was only an inch of MDF separating me from some naked lass drying her young fanny.
I selected a cubicle at the far end of the row and quickly got undressed and wrapped my towel around my naked lower half; I then waited until I heard the familiar voices and I didn’t have to wait for long.
The first one was almost outside my cubicle door
“Come on Shushu” Aunt Anjuli called. “You always take so long”
The other voice was the shopkeeper’s horny wife Shula
“I’m nearly ready Aunty; you go on and I will catch you up” Said Shula
The anticipation was making me quite hard knowing Shula was only a few yards away from me wearing only a swimsuit.
It wasn’t just the anticipation of course I had once had a sexual encounter with her in a cubicle the precious summer.
But whether it was anticipation or a sensual recollection it left a bulge in the front of my towel.
“Ok I will see you in a minute” Anjuli said moving away.
I left it for a moment or two, listening intently to see if I could detect any movement and when I thought I could hear her close the locker door and pad along the tiled floor I open my door and found I had timed it to perfection as Shula was right there wearing a black one piece swimsuit and clutching a towel.
“Hello Shushu” I said wearing only a towel.
“Oh Simon” she said, but not flustered as she had been the last time, and her eyes went straight to my bulge.
“I’m glad I bumped into you,” I said
“Me too” she said and before I had time to cast an appreciative eye over her swim-suited figure, she pushed me back in the cubicle and closed the door.
Then she took the initiative and pulled down the front of her costume and uncovered her cute titties, before releasing my towel and roughly grasping my cock.
This was a surprising turn of events, she had decided to take full advantage of our meeting and I had no intention of preventing her.
So I feasted my eyes on her two beautiful chocolate confections on full display, which she made no move to cover up.
“So what do you want to do now?” I asked as she tugged on me.
She let go of my erection long enough to completely remove her costume.
“Everything” she replied and took hold of me again.
“Are you sure?” I asked her
“Oh yes Simon” she replied and kissed me.
“Auntie will wonder where you are,” I said feebly
She ignored me and kissed me again so I couldn’t speak again.
The moment our lips touched she locked onto my mouth like a limpet while she still had a meaningful grip on my cock and then she hooked her other arm around my neck in a vice like grip.
It was a warm liquid kiss with hot tongues of passion.
My hands caressed up and down her skinny frame repeatedly ending up on her tight little buttocks until she pushed me backwards so I had to sit down on the little bench.
Shula was above me, kissing down into my mouth, her tongue like a striking serpent in and out of me, lips still locked limpet like on mine, nostrils snorting in air.
My hands continued their travels up and down her rear aspect but I knew all the interesting stuff was at the front of the property so I steered her skinny frame until it was in a position where I could sit her down on my lap.
At the moment her bony little arse made contact with my lap our mouths disengaged briefly and she gave me a toothy smile and locked onto me again.
I now had one arm around her shoulder and the opposite hand on her waist, which I slid slowly up to, cup her breast; she drew in a sharp sighing breath through her nose as I fondled her breast.
I fondled her plump little tittie for a few minutes, which was nice but I wanted more.
Wrapping her arms around me Shula stopped kissing me and buried her face in my neck.
I stopped playing with her hardening nipple and moved my playful hand down across her belly and her thighs sprang open as my fingers reached the coarse hair of her Minge.
They briefly dallied on her prominent mound and then slipped into the abyss of her hot, creamy cunny and she let out a little “Hmmm” of pleasure at my touch.
Her face was buried deep in the crook of my neck to stifle any further exclamation, of which there were many as I stroked her gorgeous wet pussy until she came; her thigh’s closing on my hand at the point of climax trapping my fingers between her lips.
But before I had time to consider my next move Shula was up off my lap in a flash, and pausing only to pick up her costume, bent over on the bench opposite me.
Her moist pink pussy open like a clamshell before my lustful gaze.
She turned and looked over her shoulder wide-eyed and expectant.
I’m sure she would have smiled at me as well but the parts of her swimsuit that she wasn’t biting on obscured her mouth.
I stood up and approached her but she was stooped over too low for me to penetrate her immediately so I reached my left hand across her soft belly and gripped her right hip firmly.
She was breathing through her nose in quick short snorts as I lifted her skinny frame off the ground.
Bringing her inviting pink pussy up to cock height and still gripping her tightly with my left arm I used my right hand to hold my shaft and I introduced my swollen cock to her waiting cunny.
She moaned though her gag as I penetrated her.
I continued to support her weight with my left arm wrapped around her middle but Shula obviously felt insecure with her feet off the ground so planted then firmly on the bench, this enabled her to scrabble her hands up the wall until they grasped the coat hooks this gave her some purchase and enabled her to thrust her juicy lips onto me.
She began moaning uncontrollably as she pumped her pussy on me.
Her tits were jiggling with an equal lack of control until I took them in hand.
Shula was pumping up and down so fast that one of the coat hooks came away in her hand, but without breaking rhythm she dropped it on the bench with a thump and grabbed the next hook along.
She was truly relishing her task as she pumped down on me again and again and with every deep penetration she let out a grunt.
I could feel myself on the threshold now and I knew from experience that Shula was almost there too as her head was rolling wildly from side to side until she thrust down on my cock one more time and let out a long muffled moan as she went rigid and came as I finished inside her.
We stayed in that position for several minutes; me stood like an American quarter back preparing to receive the ball and Shula squatting down on me.
We were both breathing hard and sweating in the warm chlorine scented air.
Shula was the first to move as she pulled her gag from her mouth.
“God I love swimming” she panted.
“Me too” I said as I pulled slowly out of her causing her to let out a long sigh of satisfaction.
We sat on the bench awhile gathering ourselves then Shula put her costume back on, as I watched libidinously while she redressed her lovely titties before I got dressed in my street clothes, I didn’t bother with a swim I had already had what I came for.
So had Shula for that matter but she was anxious to go and find Aunt Anjuli, who was bound to be wondering where she had got to.
So we shared a soft and gentle, affectionate farewell kiss before I opened the door and she went in search of Anjuli.
I went in the opposite direction and I came under the steely gaze of a rather stern looking member of staff.
A young woman who would otherwise have been quite shaggable, if she hadn’t been wearing such a sour expression,
I think she clearly knew what I had been doing and didn’t like it a bit.
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