Monday, 30 November 2020

Choice Tales from the Vale – (284) The Old Flame

Gary was sitting in the bar enjoying a pint before he went to his room to turn in, when he spotted a familiar figure, a nice little figure and one that he had once known intimately.

Maureen was still as lovely as she always was, and she still clearly had class, and immaculate dress sense in a flared silk dress and matching accessories, the only thing she wasn’t wearing was a smile, which surprised him, and then she went out through the door towards the toilets, so he thought he’d say hello when she returned.


After about 20 minutes he was convinced Maureen wasn’t going to the toilets but had actually gone home, so he drained his glance and decided to use the facilities himself before getting another drink.

But when he left the bar he found Maureen standing by the cigarette machine with her back to him and it was apparent that she was crying

“Maureen?” he said

“Yes” she answered as she turned towards him

“Oh Gary” she exclaimed and buried her face in his chest and began to cry anew.


When he managed to get her to calm down he got to the bottom of what had upset her, and that was her boyfriend, who had just dumped her, he never found out his name she just kept referring to him as “bastard”.

After that he proposed he take her for a quiet drink, so they could talk, but she didn’t want to go back into the bar, so he suggested they go to his room instead and get room service and she agreed. 


Upstairs in the room, one drink lead to another drink, and another and then the talking and reminiscing lead to kissing, and the potent mix of kissing, alcohol and a deep-seated regret at separating, meant that one thing led to another.


Although Maureen had been very upset at the time, after being dumped by her “bastard” ex-boyfriend the night before, she seemed to quickly come to terms with the situation as she took every ounce of satisfaction from him, that night and twice again the next morning.

The second time of which occurred when he was in the shower washing her lust off his body, and it began when she slipped quietly into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bath and took his cock in her mouth and sucked him up to full erection.

After which she used him and abused him and by the end of the knee trembler against the tiles he was shattered, and he collapsed as his legs had completely gone.

He had to sit in the bath to recharge his batteries and he just sat there with the shower spraying down on him for a full twenty minutes.


By the time he re-emerged from the bathroom, still dripping wet, Maureen was already fully dressed.

“You’ve recovered then” she said and laughed

“I’ll remember that the next time you’re gagging for it,” he retorted

“You’ll still shag me though” she said and walked over and kissed him and then he scooped her up in his arms

“Put me down you’ll get me all wet,” she protested

“That’s just how I like you” he teased and then they kissed.

But that was all they did as he had to vacate the room and they both had trains to catch and besides he was so knackered that he probably wouldn’t have been able to go again for at least 24 hours.

So, he put her down and she giggled as she sponged herself dry, then she sat down and watched him drying himself and by the lascivious look in her eye he couldn’t tell if she was remembering what she’d had or imagining what she was going to get the next time and he knew by her leery expression that there would definitely be a next time.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Choice Tales from the Vale – (283) Dirty Nurse

Ben Adams was in the kitchen preparing supper when there was a knock at the front door and he opened, it a few minutes before seven, he found the diminutive figure of Nurse Dakota Samson standing on the doorstep in the cold night air.

“Come in” he urged her “you don’t have to knock”

“I don’t like to enter anywhere uninvited” she said making it sound deliciously dirty.

“I’ll bare that in mind for the future” he said, and she smiled


While she was upstairs attending to his mother he was in the kitchen washing up at the sink, so he didn’t hear her come downstairs nor did he hear her walk into the kitchen and sidle up behind him.

In fact, the first time he knew she was standing behind him was when she slipped her arms around him and began to unfasten his belt, she then proceeded to undo the button on his jeans and tug down the zip and before he could blink she had his trousers and pants around his knees and her hands were on his cock.

After a minute or two Dakota steered him around, so he was facing her from where she could kiss him and at the same time grab his cock in a more meaningful way.

Pretty little Dakota had taken complete control of the situation, which was something he was quite unaccustomed to and it was rather refreshing.

Nonetheless he reclaimed the initiative by lifting the diminutive little nurse up off the floor until she was standing on a kitchen chair where she continued to kiss him while he yanked her black tights and lacy knickers down to her knees.

Ben slid him hands up the backs of her thighs until he reached the fleshy little cheeks of her buttocks, which he caressed and squeezed, before he seated her on the table, so he could completely remove her pants and tights, then he sat down on the chair, which placed him perfectly between her white skinny thighs, and he was about to drink from her velvet cup when she pushed his head back.

“Later” she said taking the initiative again and climbed on to his lap, and as she kissed him hard on the mouth and her little tongue darted in and out of his mouth like a tiny serpent as she impaled her hot tight cunny around his cock, her hot breath filling her mouth as she moaned and slid down on him.


She rode him hard, pumping her tight pussy down on him until she came hard and he followed.

“Mmmm” Dakota exclaimed as she wrapped herself around his neck again and kissed him.

They stayed like that for a minute or so then she was on the move and released his cock from its syrupy tomb with a pleasurable sigh, and then he took her to his bed.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Choice Tales from the Vale – (282) Lusty Doctor

Dave Goodwin had been conducting an affair with his sister in law Kayleigh Channing for over a year and she was a very sexual being and could be turned on at the drop of a hat, but when there was an element of danger she was insatiable.

The Goodwin’s and the Channing’s were all Doctors at the same practice in Northchapel and they all lived in the nearby village of Eastchapel.


In the depths of winter, the Channing’s found themselves without any central heating after their boiler died and had to spend a week in the spare room at the Goodwin’s, and the close proximity to Dave made Kayleigh very horny.


Dave was in his bedroom just about to pull up his trousers when Kayleigh pushed open the door and stood staring.

“Can I help you?” he asked

“Oh yes, any time” she answered with a leer as he completed the task and walked towards the door

“That will have to wait until later” he said with regret and kissed her.

They had the perfect opportunity for some satisfying sex as they had the house to themselves, his wife Val was on her way to hospital with a patient who had suffered a stroke and her husband Phil was in Abbottsford at a seminar, unfortunately he had been called out himself to an elderly patient in a nursing home, a task made all the more onerous as his car was in the garage so he was going to get a cab.

But as he passed her in the doorway she put her car keys in his hand

“This will get you back here quicker” she said, and they kissed again.


It was a fairly routine visit and what the patient needed were his reassuring words rather than his medical expertise, but he was there for more than an hour regardless, so he was pleased to be able to get into Kayleigh’s car at the end of the visit rather than wait for a cab.


He was suitably horny on the journey home with thoughts of his sister in law ready willing and able in an empty house, and he was seriously aroused by the time he pulled onto the drive, and he was pleased to see his wife hadn’t returned home yet.

In his absence Kayleigh had kept herself warmed up with the contents of her toy box and when he walked along the landing the sight that greeted him, through the open spare room door, was of the naked figure of Kayleigh, still brandishing one of her sex toys, as she lay draped on the spare room bed.


A few hours later Dave was woken by the alarm on his phone, he had set it, so he could get up and return to his own bed before Val returned home from the hospital.

He silenced the alarm and quietly and carefully tried to slip out of the bed unnoticed.

But as he sat on the edge and prepared to stand up she hooked her arm around his waist and pulled him back under the covers.

“I have to go,” he protested

“Come first, and then go,” she insisted.


After obliging his lusty sister in laws request he crossed the landing and slipped into his own bed only a few minutes before Val returned home, as he lay there he feigned sleep and hoped that she wasn’t going to make demands on him because he had nothing left to give, but he needn’t have worried as she just got quietly into bed and was snoring within a minute.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Choice Tales from the Vale – (281) Cash and Carry Day

Sally was literally the girl next door and when her mother died, Adrian made himself available as a shoulder to cry on which she was grateful for, but he soon extended that to include a lap for her to straddle, which it turned out she was equally grateful for. Sally worked for Stephenson’s Corner Shop in Applesford, where she was the assistant manager, but when the manager broke his leg, she got a temporary promotion to Manager. As part of her duties was stocking the shop, most of which came from Stephenson’s Distribution Centre, but all the smaller shops were permitted to stock a small range of non-standard products from the Cash and Carry, however it was also her job to drive to the store and buy everything she wanted. She had a van at her disposal for just that purpose but for the first time she wanted company, for moral support, so she asked Adrian and he said yes. The Cash and Carry was an amazing place, neither of them had ever been to one before, and it was like an Aladdin’s cave of goodies. But Sally’s excitement didn’t last as long as his did, as she was there for work and she was nervous and anxious and so she was not in as good a humour as she was when they first arrived. They finished the shopping and loaded the stock into the van and exited the car park just as it started to rain, and the sky had grown really dark and thunder cracked in the distance. On the journey the rain fell ever harder, until the wipers could barely cope so Sally pulled into a convenient lay-by to wait for the rain to abate. She had barely applied the handbrake when the thunderstorm took hold, and as the thunder boomed overhead Sally screamed and lurched towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly, and showed no signs of letting go, so quite naturally Adrian took full advantage of the situation and began nibbling her ear. “That’s not the reason I stopped here,” she said weekly, but that was the sum total of her resistance as moments later he had her sweater off, and her bra unhooked, but when he was unzipping her jeans thunder clapped loudly overhead again and a HGV roared loudly into the lay-by and Sally was spooked and she quickly covered herself, conscious that she might be seen, but he knew the driver couldn’t see into the front of the van any more than they could see into the HGV cab. But Sally wasn’t having any of that, which meant he wasn’t going to be having any of her, so as quickly as it was possible to do he opened the passenger door and got out, then he opened the side door before reaching back into the cab and grabbing Sally and unceremoniously bundling her through the side door in amongst the assortment of Cash and Carry boxes, before he climbed in after her and closed the door behind him. With an excited giggle she stripped off her remaining clothes and then set about doing the same to him, and when they were both naked she settled back on a case of BBQ Charcoal with her legs spread wide and her juicy pussy invitingly on display and soon after she was making some delicious sounds and the van was rocking, and it continued to rock until she came hard and loud and thunder boomed overhead as if to punctuate their passion. When they returned to the village after a rattling good shag in the back of the Stephenson’s shop van, Sally was in much higher spirits after their adventure in the lay-by than she was before it. So, he parked the truck by the back door to the shop and got out and went around to the passenger side and helped Sally step down and while he did that he managed to slip a hand up her sweater and even un-cupped one perky little tit before her feet hit the floor. “Thank you Jack” she said “but you’re only supposed to take my hand” “I’ll remember that for next time” he said “And try to change my ways” “Don’t you dare” she said “just keep doing what you’re doing”

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Something For a Gentleman’s Discerning Palate # 24


Are you looking for someone perchance?
To partner in physical love’s erotic dance
It doesn’t matter to any of us though
If you just want to go at it with gusto
Maybe you have a penchant for a tart?
One of easy virtue but one with a heart
Or do you hanker more for a nympho
A raver to satisfy your burning libido
Does your bent lean towards a temptress
Or someone you can use as a mattress
No I think you look for more from your life
You are looking for a girl to be your wife


You don’t even have to ask
I am at your beck and call
If you have the urge
You can have me up against a wall

You don’t even have to ask
You don’t need to say please
Just snap your fingers
And I’ll be on my knees

You don’t even have to ask
Just unzip your trouser fly
Then I will do the rest
I’m always here to satisfy

You don’t even have to ask
We don’t even need to kiss
Just use me as a vessel
I will never ever resist

You don’t even have to ask
I am at your beck and call
But today like every day
You don’t notice me at all


My Aunty Ruth came to visit
She wasn’t my real Aunty
She was my mum’s best friend
But she was a real beauty
Oh what a sight she was
To gladden a young mans eye
As she crossed her legs
Exposing an expanse of thigh
Another adjustment of her posture
Disclosed she was naked underneath
I could see right up her dress
All the way up to the heath
She knew I was looking at her
And I went very red indeed
Though I don’t know if she knew
That I filled my pants with my seed


My thoughts are sinful
As when I look at your perfection
Your body a temple of purity
I think only of its desecration


I was given the challenge
Well in truth it was a bet
And the bet was to get a date
With Prudence the librarian
Whose coldness was legend
It would be a tall order
But I picked up the gauntlet
And headed to the library
I walked up to the desk
And there she stood
She was short in stature
But imposing nonetheless
Her countenance was severe
Thick chestnut hair
Pulled back off severely off her face
Her make up would best be described
As minimalist
And she peered at me
Over thick framed spectacles
She wore a chunky beige sweater
Two sizes too big which hid her shape
And a dark pleated skirt, knee length
Over thick black wool tights
And the not unattractive legs
Terminated into sensible shoes
I tried small talk
But she was not receptive
Her demeanor was positively frosty
Every enquiry she batted back to me in the negative
But despite everything
There was something about her that I liked
Something intangible
curiously she was not my type
in any way, but still there was something
So I decided to persevere
But because I wanted to
Not because I had to
So firstly I paid off on the bet
I wasn’t doing it for a stupid bet
But because of that intangible something
An itch I couldn’t scratch kind of thing
Realizing small talk would get me nowhere
I thought I would try a different tack
And converse with her on her own terms
I had to engage her intellect
So each day I would go to the library
And ask her to recommend a book
Which we could then discuss each day
And each day she thawed a little
Then I posed her questions,
History, Geography, the arts
I found her to be both knowledgeable and interesting
And I found that I was becoming interested
In the subjects we were discussing
And looked forward to our time together
As each day she thawed a little more
I wanted to have more
Than just the few precious hours at the library
But I didn’t want to undo what I had achieved
Upset the status quo
And refrigerate her again
Then at the end of one particular day
Prudence asked me
“Would you like to go for a coffee?”
I was speechless but nodded in the affirmative
Later she told me
She fell for me because I engaged her mind
And valued her for what was between her ears
And not what was between her legs
Or inside her sweater


I have a bar maid fantasy
I would like to serve her
Instead of her serving me
But the service I would perform
If I get my wish
Is to kiss her clitoris
Then with eager tongue
Bring her to climax
And taste the nectar
That sour musk
Of lusts honey
And drink of her
Like a fresh pulled pint


Your breasts small and pert,
Nipples deep pink and alert
Loins young and tender
Supple flesh in youthful splendour

My athletic muscular form
And endless stamina to perform
My jack in the box like phallus
What has now become of us?


What would you think of me?
If you knew my fantasy
Of you down on your knees
Attending to me orally

What would you think of me?
If you knew my fantasy
Was you wearing silk and lace
As you sit writhing on my face

What would you think of me?
If you knew my fantasy
Was to undress you in the office
And penetrate each orifice

What would you think of me?
If you knew my fantasies
About sex with you all the while
Would you look at me and smile?


You would have said
She was attractive
Glamorous even, certainly alluring
Which aroused my physical desire
And in my lustful state
I could have creamed my jeans
Just looking at her
But I didn’t need to
There was a libidinous look in her eyes
And they were looking at me
So we began with a simple kiss
Which became more fervent
Her ardency led to torrid embrace
And her caress touched
Every erogenous point of sensitivity
Until she was sexually receptive
Like a beast in Oestrus
And she mounted me
Riding me like a bronco
Until I was tamed


My thoughts are sinful
The sordid and lustful kind
I what to rip your clothes off
And roger you from behind

Friday, 10 August 2018

Choice Tales from the Vale – (280) Doctor in Disgrace

It was the day after St Valentines and Doctor Belinda Mason was upstairs at Callum Grainger’s house attending to his terminally ill wife.
She was upstairs for half an hour and when she came back downstairs wearing her overcoat and he walked out into the hall to meet her and asked
“Do you want a cuppa?”
“No” she replied “I want some Valentines loving”
“It’s not Valentine’s Day anymore hon” he said
“It’s close enough” she responded as she unbuttoned her coat to reveal her beautiful naked breasts with her deep pink nipples standing proud in the cold hallway.
The only other thing she had on beneath her coat were the knee length socks and Marks and Spenser’s pants.
Belinda stepped in close and they kissed as his hands slipped inside her coat and settled on her waist which then pulled her closer to him.
Her kiss was warm and sensual and every fiber of him tingled.
She pulled her lips away but still close enough that he could feel her breath as she spoke
“Where can we go?” she panted.
He kissed her hot mouth quickly and then took her hand and led her into the study at the end of the hall, it was as far away from his wife’s sleeping figure as it was possible to get.
So even if Dr noisy knickers screamed when she came it was unlikely to disturb her.

They went into the study, which was more crowded than was usual due to the necessity of having to store some of the displaced furniture in there.
But there was more than enough room for what they had in mind.
Once inside he slipped her coat off and pushed her back against the door, cupping her firm round breasts and teased her nipples until they resembled Valentine rosebuds.
Before he fell to his knees and kissed her fleshy breasts and took each nipple into his mouth in turn as she ran her fingers through his hair.
His fingers were grasping at the waistband of her M&S knickers, so he tugged her pants over her plump shapely buttocks and down thighs.
The further her pants descended so did his lips and as he kissed the skin of her quivering belly her knickers had reached her knees,
When they had settled around her ankles his face was buried in her lush fragrant bush.
He let her step out of her drawers as he climbed back up her body and his hands fell on her deliciously firm buttocks as his lips found hers and they kissed again.

Belinda quickly undressed him until they both stood naked save for their socks, then with real urgency she scrambled on to the sofa and waited for him.

Choice Tales from the Vale – (279) Lustful Lingerie

Ken Simms parked his car at the Abbottsford Phoenix Shopping Centre and walked into the mall, he was a little preoccupied and exceptionally horny as he had been reminiscing about a recent conquest, Nikki Chapman.
He was a 30-year-old married philanderer while she was ten years older and was divorced and deprived.
Ken had been chasing her for a disproportionate time, much longer than most of his quarry but then she was devastatingly gorgeous and well worth the wait.
She was a well-bred and well-heeled and oozed class from every pore and when he eventually removed her horny high classed piece of arse out of her designer silk knickers she just oozed.

After she had left his flat he decided to tidy up before his wife returned home and it was a good job that he did as the seat of the leather sofa was sticky from Nikki’s secretions, and there were more wine glasses in circulation than was to be reasonable expected for someone who spent the evening alone and Nikki’s black silk knickers were still on the floor.
He washed up the wine glasses, took a damp cloth to her sticky bits and locked her panties in his brief case.

He woke up annoyingly early next morning, he couldn’t sleep as he kept thinking of his session with Nikki, with no hint of a guilty conscience though, he just hoped he would be doing her again soon because he enjoyed it so much.

More than a week had passed however between that dirty erotic evening and his driving into Abbottsford to do a bit of shopping but thoughts of her still filled his head and as a result he was incredible horny when he bumped into Nikki coming out of a very expensive lingerie shop.
“Hello darling” she said, and air kissed him, then she spotted him looking at the designer carrier bag she was carrying.
“No, you can’t look at them” she replied to his unasked question
“Ok I don’t mind seeing them on if you insist” he offered
“You’re incorrigible,” she said
“Is that a maybe?” he asked
Unmoved she shook her head disappointedly.
“Have you got time for a coffee?”
“I do” he replied
“Great I’m gagging for a drink I just have one more stop”
So, Ken waited outside guarding her bags while Nikki went into the store to buy some new bra’s, Ken offered to go in with her to help her tuck her puppies into the lacy cups, but she declined his offer saying, “You wouldn’t be helping me, you would be helping yourself”
“The cheek of some people” he thought as he stared at both of her cheeks shimmying inside her trousers.

When she returned a little short of half an hour later she was looking almost as pleased with herself as she did when she walked knickerless out of his flat.
“You look very pleased with yourself, have you gone commando again?” he asked unhelpfully
“No” she said indignantly and bent down and picked up her bags
“That reminds me you still owe me a pair,” she said quietly
“Yes” he agreed “they’re in my brief case”
“I’m surprised you haven’t mounted them under glass as a trophy” Nikki said
“That’s a great idea,” Ken said
“Don’t you dare?” she said laughing
“Or I could keep them in a resealable bag”
“To keep them “Fresh””
“Urgh that’s dirty” she said and laughed “And then you sniff them, would you do that?”
“No, I prefer the source” he said, and she blushed scarlet and couldn’t look at him, so he changed the subject
“Did you get everything you wanted?”
“Yes” she said “and I bought some treats”
“What kind of treats?” he asked intrigued
“Fishnet stockings, for one thing” she replied “for next time”
“And when is next time?” he asked hopefully
“As soon as you drive me to Appleby” she replied
“Really?” he said “What about a coffee, I thought you were gagging for a drink”
“Well I am gagging” she retorted
“But not for coffee”
“What then?” Ken asked, and she looked him straight in the eye and said