Monday, 13 February 2017

An Angel in Pyjamas

(Part One)

Colin Capel was approaching his 53 birthday and had never felt as young and vital as he had since the episode when had fondled Angela Purcell in the stationary cupboard.
At the time he had known her for roughly six years and had had a crush on her since the first moment he saw her.
She was in his wife’s bible study group which was held at his house every five or six weeks.
When the diminutive woman standing 4 feet 11 in her stocking feet looked at him with her large saucer eyes he was ensnared.
Even before she deployed the warm mesmerizing smile he was smitten.
But as remarkably beautiful as her face was, her figure on the other hand was singularly unremarkable.
She had short chubby legs, a flat chest and a barely distinguishable waist.
Though her bum was an altogether different proposition and each buttock was beautifully defined inside her cargos.
Colin however despite being attracted to her didn’t envisage that anything would ever come of it, he was a happily married man and she was a good Christian girl.
So it came as quite a surprise when his wife Jane volunteered him to help Angela retrieve something from the stationary cupboard and he ended up helping himself to the contents of her knickers.

After the event Colin felt a surprising lack of guilt about it even though he was a married man and the fondling took place on church property during the Sunday service while his wife Jane sat in the congregation.
It was the first time he had strayed from the path in over 30 years of marriage and he should have felt a tinge of guilt but what he actually felt when he reflected on the event was a trouser tickle.
He didn’t know if Angela felt guilty, he hadn’t seen her to ask.
Though in fairness she wasn’t an innocent whom he had defiled.
His hand wasn’t the first to venture into her pants, albeit it was the first for a good few years.
It was Angela who had initiated the action in the cupboard when she feigned a slip from the steps and fell into his arms.

What he had come to regret about that day was his ungentlemanly action when they had taken their seats among the congregation.
Colin sat first in the vacant seat Jane had reserved for him and when Angela had found her seat she looked across at him and smiled,
Which was when he waved his finger beneath his nose and breathed in her musky scent.
In response Angela stared wide eyed and open mouthed at his action and her face went scarlet before she looked away.
But when she turned and looked at him again a moment later, smiling broadly he took that as a signal that she might wish to play again sometime.
He berated himself however on the crude and vulgar nature of his behaviour.

But as time went on he wasn’t so sure she was up for it.
Angela had a wonderful work ethic, which was something else he admired her for and she held down three part time jobs.
Monday to Wednesday she worked at Abbotts Gardens Centre, Thursdays and Fridays she worked Dustbusters domestic cleaning services and at weekends she worked in the café and bookshop at St Joseph’s church, which was situated on the verge of the town centre.

In the week following that eventful Sunday Colin was away in Frankfurt on business and it was the next Monday when he decided to act.
He visited the Abbotts Gardens Centre numerous times but failed to see her, so he went into the café and bookshop on three separate occasions just in case she was doing extra shifts but there was no sign of her there either.
So he thought that she was obviously racked with guilt and was either keeping a low profile or had left.
Colin couldn’t keep turning up at the church looking for her as people would doubtless notice and be suspicious, he had already visited the bookshop more times in one week than he had in the previous two years.
He wasn’t going to see her again and it was all because of that silly finger sniffing episode.
He had gone too far and clearly she had gone too.

And that would have been that had it not been for an overheard conversation between his wife and the café and bookshop manager, Mrs Patmore.
“Yes I can do a couple of hours on Saturday” Jane said “And I hope Angela is better soon”
After Jane had hung up the phone Colin asked
“What was all that about?”
“Mrs Patmore is looking for help at the café while Angela is laid up” she replied
“Why what’s wrong with her?” his asked casually
“She fell off those rickety steps last Sunday” Jane said in her “I knew that would happen” voice.
He and Jane hadn’t been to St Josephs that day as they had a christening to attend in a different parish.
“Oh dear” he said wondering if she was thinking about the previous weeks antics “is she ok?”
“Badly sprained ankle” Jane said

It was Wednesday when he got the news about Angela’s fall, and once he realised she wasn’t seriously hurt Colin wondered if it would be classed as a fall from grace.
Particularly if she was reminiscing on the previous outing on the steps.
He spent the next couple of days trying to think of a plausible ruse that would enable him to go round and see her.
The ruse would be superfluous for Angela as she would know why his was really there, the ruse was for the benefit of Judith who was Angela’s flatmate.
He racked his brain for a solution but none came so he resigned himself to the fact that he wouldn’t see her until she returned to work.

(Part Two)

On Saturday morning he was busy in the garden pruning back the shrubbery when Jane appeared at the backdoor
“I’m doing a shift at the café this afternoon” she called
“Ok” he replied
“There is a bunch of flowers on the table” she continued “I don’t have time to drop them off, so can you do it?”
“Sure” he replied “who are they for?”
“Angela of course” she said “why do you never pay attention”
Flowers, why didn’t he think of flowers, it was perfect.

As soon as Jane had left he went upstairs and showered and shaved.
Then he got in his car and drove the six miles to the small block of flats where Angela lived.
He walked up to the first floor and rang the bell and a few minutes later it was opened by Judith Smallwood the flat mate.
“Hi Judith” he said “I have flowers for the invalid”
“Hello Mr Capel” she said politely “Do come in”
As he followed Judith down the hall staring at her denim clad cheeks he thought that Angela’s flat mate had the three main attributes that Angela lacked youth, height and breasts.
But despite that there was something he hoped Angela had that Judith never would, a willingness to sleep with him.

“It’s Mr Capel” Judith announced as he walked in
“Hello Colin” she said recumbent on the sofa with her sprained ankle resting on a chair supported by a large cushion.
She was wearing a blue fleecy dressing gown over the top of pink striped pyjamas.
“What a lovely surprise”
“I come bearing gifts” he said and proffered the bunch of flowers which Judith snatched from his grasp and took them away to the kitchen
“They’re lovely” said the Roedean girl and motioned with her head like someone watching the grand prix and has just seen the car race down the home straight.
He sat down on the sofa next to her
“I would have come sooner” he said after Judith had gone.
“But…” He didn’t finish his sentence as Angela had taken hold of his hand which she continued to hold until Judith reappeared.
“Will you be alright if I just pop into town?” she asked “I won’t be long”
“Of course” Angela replied “Colin will keep me company for a little while, won’t you Colin?”
“Oh yes” he replied “I’ll take good care of her”
The second they heard the front door close Angela took hold of his hand again and held it against her cheek.
“How’s your ankle?” he asked
“Not too bad” she said and Colin took that as a green light for some gentle sex.
“I was hoping you would come to see me” she said in her posh wanton accent
“I came as soon as I could” he explained
“I know” she said holding his palm against her cheek.
He moved closer to her and kissed her mouth.
She reciprocated instantly with lips soft and yielding, and her mouth was hot and her tongue was inquisitive.
Angela’s hands began to claw at his shirt dragging it free from his trousers.
She made a half-hearted effort to pull it off but from her semi recumbent position she couldn’t manage it.
“Take it off” she barked
He pulled it off over his head and threw it onto an empty chair and then her trembling hands were all over his naked flesh and she sighed.
He untied the belt of her dressing gown and slowly opened the two halves like the leaves of some great volume and Angela pulled him to her and kissed his mouth again as his fingers started on her buttons.
He took his time as he was in no great hurry as he knew the contents were not as well formed as her flat mates were but that wasn’t the reason for his lack of urgency he wanted to see everything and the slower he went the hotter she got, and he wanted her hot.
Her hands ran up and down his back as each button in turn yielded to him and as each one did so she gave a little snort of approval as her mouth remained clamped to his.
When the final button succumbed he pushed the fabric aside and caressed her meagre breasts and was toying with her exceptional nipples and Angela began to murmur in his mouth.
Colin broke away from her lips and quickly transferred his affections to her dark proud teats, sucking on them like a hungry child as she lay back and bit her lip.
Her chest was rising and falling and he could hear her heart pounding.
Meanwhile his hand had begun to pull the elasticated waist of her bottoms but he couldn’t do it one handed.
So he left her wet misshaped nipples and reached up under her arse and with both hands he smartly yanked them from her arse and down her thighs.
To preserve her modesty Angela quickly covered her newly uncovered bush with her dressing gown as he pulled them all the way off one leg and holding that leg by the ankle he began kissing it all the way down her leg to an obvious goal but he only got as far as the back of her knee when she said
“No Colin” she pleaded but he started down her thigh
“Please don’t” she begged “I haven’t showered”
Then she put a cushion over her face to hide her embarrassment.
Colin released her leg, paused only to uncover her bush then lifted the cushion and kissed her lips softly.
“Don’t hide from me” he said as his fingers parted her lips and gently massaged her as Angela wriggled beneath his hand and moaned softly.
It wasn’t long before she made it known that she was ready as she awkwardly sat up and began to undo his trousers.
But with her sprained ankle still balanced on the cushions she struggled and so he hurriedly finished the job as she spread her thighs wide to receive him.
Colin slid his hands down her outer thighs until he had a buttock in each hand and then he was inside her.
He looked down at her and Angela was in a frenzy, her head was rolling back and forth, she was biting her lip as her hands gripped the edges of the sofa and she panted out course rasping breaths until she cried out finally in orgasm.

As he drove home he reflected on the afternoon and pronounced to himself that it was nice, gentle and comfortable but the next time would be a little more vigorous, a little more exciting and decidedly more animal.

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