It was the first week
in June when Paul Lipscombe found himself sitting in the reception at Hollins,
Cooper and Baker, the firm of Solicitors handling his divorce.
He wasn’t there for
anything specific it just happened that he in Purplemere for the day.
He had an important
lunchtime meeting with a client and a less important Dinner meeting with his
soon to be ex-wife, so as he was left with some time to kill, and as he was in
the vicinity, he thought he
Would sandwich them in
the middle and pop in to make sure they weren’t dragging their heels.
It was a case of out
of sight out of mind with solicitors in his experience, although they always
remembered you when money was due.
Anyway he sat there
for about an hour waiting for Ms Baker to become available, whom he presumed to
be some Manish ball breaker who enjoyed keeping people waiting.
So when he saw an
attractive woman, tall and slender in her early thirties wearing a tailored
business suit and spectacles, he thought to himself she must be Ms Baker’s
personal assistant.
“Mr. Lipscombe?” She
said holding out her hand “sorry to keep you waiting”
He took the offered
hand, which she gripped firmly
“Lindsay Baker, so
pleased to meet you”
“Like wise, please
call me Paul” he replied and she smiled broadly and said
“Would you like to
come through then Paul?”
She led the way and he
followed on and the receptionist caught him staring at Ms Baker’s rather
delightful arse and she frowned at him but he just shrugged and carried on
looking at the rolling buttocks.
Paul spent a very
pleasant hour with the very un-Manish Ms Baker who he thought might still be a
ball breaker but not in the way he first thought
They went through the
papers and she assured him that everything would be tied up with a bow in the
coming few weeks.
He didn’t take in
everything she was saying, due to a combination of the posh plummy tones of her
voice which he found very seductive, always a turn on for him, and the very
horny way she peered over the top of her spectacles and the fact she was very pleasing
on the eye and Paul had always had a soft spot for posh tottie, well a hard
spot really.
And she was very
attractive, possibly even glamorous, Lindsay Baker was certainly alluring, and
it was an allure which aroused his physical desire.
When she leant over
the desk he was able to stare down her blouse and when she was sitting back in
her chair he could stare at her magnificent long legs.
But when she walked
about the room he feasted his eyes on everything in turn, and in his lustful
state he could have creamed his pants just looking at her assets and the way
she displayed them.
When the time came to
leave and they shook hands again it was slow and lingering and he thought how
much he would like her to hold his old chap in that soft manicured hand.
Lindsay smiled as if
she could read his filthy mind, he wasn’t sure if she could or not but there was definately a
libidinous look in her eyes, And they were looking at him.
“If your wife signs
the papers you could drop them in the office, I’m here until 9” she said and he
thought that sounded like an open invitation.
“I’ll see you later
then” he responded
When he left her
office he walked past the receptionist who gave him a very disdainful look so
he looked down her top at her quite pleasing rack restrained in a pink satin
bra, and when she realized he was staring at her baps she quickly covered
herself up and let out a rather disgusted exclamation, but then she smiled at
him and blushed.
He returned her smile
and asked
“Do you have anything
with the address and phone number on?”
“oh yes” she replied
eagerly “I could give you one of my cards”
“Thank you….”
“Samantha” she said “Samantha Miles”
“Thank you Samantha”
The Dinner with his
wife was just as tedious as he thought it would be so he felt no guilt at all
about ducking out early, in fact as soon as he had secured her signature, he
made his excuses.
He returned back to
Hollins, Cooper and Baker just before 8.30 and the security guard let him in.
“Miss Baker is
expecting you” he said “Do you know the way?”
“Yes I know the way”
Paul replied
“Ok I’ll let her know
you’re on the way up” the guard said and Paul smiled, he had been “up” for some
He walked past
Samantha’s empty desk and thought he would be ploughing her furrow in the not
too distant future.
Which was when he
became aware of an exotic heady fragrance and then he heard her wonderful
plummy tones.
“Hello Mr Lipscombe”
She said from the
shadowy corridor and the mental pictures of her as she had been earlier filled
his head, the tailored skirt, white blouse and black tights, but when she
emerge from the shadows she was minus her skirt, her tights had been replaced
by stockings and her blouse was unbuttoned.
Exposing her nakedness
beneath it, from her swan neck down to her hairy mound.
He gave her a good
look over and was pleased and his final appraisal was a favourable one.
“I take it this is an
informal meeting” he said
Lindsay giggled and
turned around and headed down a long corridor and he followed her with a hard
on and was mesmerized by her form and admiring the perfection of her rather
delightful naked arse.
Once inside they began with a simple kiss, gentle and giving and their
hands tentatively caressed the backs of their partners but the kiss quickly
became more fervent, driven on by Lindsays ardency, led to a torrid passionate
embrace and her caress touched every erogenous point of sensitivity until she
was so hot and sexually receptive she pushed him back across her desk and like
a beast in Oestrus
she mounted him impaling her raging fire on him and rode him like a bronco
until the wild beast was tamed.
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